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jpelg last won the day on September 9 2023

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About jpelg

  • Birthday 09/07/1900

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  • Location
    The Elm City

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Extra Special Silver Diner

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  1. The Rooney (any associations with the band of the same name are purely coindidental).
  2. Given that everything is on the same rack, in close proximity, is there a benefit to this vs. connecting the Nucleus One to the DAC directly via USB? (pls forgive any misunderstanding, as I know nothing about Roon or network audio)
  3. Pixii announces their first full-frame rangefinder, the Pixii Max
  4. A Man In Full - David E. Kelly still makes good TV
  5. I think most of our older (pre-boomer) folks don't change. Unfortunately, it may take much of them literally dying out for us to truly get past a lot of generational sins. This is a big conflict for me, as I am a staunch supporter of our "greatest generation" for their history, their contributions, & their many good qualities. But, my dad had severe prejudices. The racial stuff was more apparent. The anti-gay prejudice wasn't as openly talked about, but it was there. I had to do a lot of personal work, and boundary-setting as an adult to divorce myself from those prejudices. His downward spiral with dementia began as my nieces & nephews came of age & started to express themselves. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have dealt with it well had he kept his faculties. Maybe that's the universe's way of making way for the new & is actually a saving grace? Dunno. Thankfully, my mom is the complete opposite & the epitome of unconditional love (I severely doubt my parents would have gotten together if they met today). Also, my two brothers have done a fantastic job of stopping those generational sins within their own families.
  6. Mayor of Kingstown - pretty straightforward, but intense procedural. Already into season 2...
  7. Firstly, thank you for sharing your story Steve. I am so, so sorry that you had to endure that pain throughout your life. I've never understood the violent expression of that kind of hatred toward another person. Personally, I have had many gay friends all my life, from high-school & long since into adulthood. I've always been a close friend & an ally. This month, I think of my mother's 85y/o cousin who passed-away just a few weeks ago. She had moved to Green Bay many years ago to live with her "friend" - a Catholic nun. Although most of us understood their relationship, her sexuality was never discussed openly amongst family (not that we necessarily should have). But I was always sad that she felt she had to move so far away from family to live her authentic self. Today, I have nieces & nephews in their twenties who are openly gay/trans, and am glad my family as a whole embrace them as they are. Maybe that's a sign that there has been progress & this is a better time. Let's hope.
  8. Hacks (HBO Max) - the creators of this show have managed to not only maintain, but actually improve the quality of this show with a great season 3 overall. And the scene in the last ep, where Ava confronts Deborah about the head-writer job, is nothing short of fantastic for any acting medium (Whew!).
  9. The Signal (Netflix) - only four episodes, so it's an easy watch & doesn't fall into the traps of the similar-but-troublesome Constellation
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. The AfterParty (AppleTV) - seasons 1 & 2
  12. My condolences Jose. Wishing you well on your recovery.
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