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Voltron last won the day on February 8

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About Voltron

  • Birthday March 20

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Biography
    Gear hoarder
  • Location
    San Francisco & Mayberry
  • Interests
    Family, friends, etc.
  • Occupation
    Lawyer scum
  • Hobbies
    Music, concerts, baseball, beer & cocktails
  • Headphones
    Grado: PS-1, HP-2, RS-1, HF-1, HF-2, iGrado; Sennheiser: HD800, HD650, HD600; Stax: SR-Omega, 4070, SRX Mk 3 Pro, 007, 009; AKG: K1000, K340, K701; Sony: CD3000; Ultrasone: Edition 9; Audio-Technica: AD2000; JH Audio: JH|13 Pro
  • Headphone Amps
    BHse; Luxman P-1; Moth 300B Paradigm; HeadRoom Desktop Amp/DAC (Home); TTVJ Pinnacle, FET-A; Lavry DA-10; RSA SR-71; HeadAmp Pico; Stax 007t
  • Sources
    Playback Designs MPS-5; AMG Viella V-12; Amarra Model 4; VPI Aries 3; Onix Reference 1 CDP; Dual 505; Slim Devices Squeezebox (x2); Lavry DA10; Pico
  • Other Audio Gear
    OMA Mini; Ayre K-XR; Doshi Alaap Purist Mk. II; ATC SCM50 Anniversary; Arcam DV29; Arcam AV8; McCormack DNA HT-5; Moth Cicada; Arcam Solo; Klipsch Heresy; HeadRoom Desktop Monoblocs; HeadRoom Destop PSU; Harbeth HL-P3ES2

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  1. Inspired by Nate, I made Detroit pizza tonight for Dorothy and Steve.
  2. Have a great one! Cheers!
  3. RIP to the legend.
  4. Those are cool! Did you make them on the magic ping pong table?
  5. As usual, I can never tell if it is me or Artificial Intelligence. In this case, I think Grahame's post could go either way...
  6. First guess came in at 190 rings/years +/- 10%. Any others?
  7. It was yesterday, but niece Dorothy and I walked the dogs in the newly renovated redwood grove nearby. Nate actually walked through this park before the additions of new paths and boardwalks and such. Anyway, there was a storm recently when a fair number of trees came down. This one is not particularly large but it was big enough. Remarkably shallow the roots for such a sizeable thing. These are not the greatest pics, but I'm wondering if anyone has the ability to count the rings...
  8. Thanks Ryan. I'm pretty sure Craig has nothing to offer other than anger over the situation. I may try to reach out to NP to see if there is something available.
  9. If I could get a proper Cicada driver that worked I would go for it and hope for the best. The cabinet has a scalloped opening so it would need to be modified for a different driver.
  10. I've been having intermittent issues with my Moth Audio system that I was blaming on the amp until I recently discovered that one of them Cicada drivers is dead. Doug helped me troubleshoot and I found no short in the driver but it reads zero ohms. The other one shows 12 ohms as it should. Doug mentioned that someone much more skilled than I would be able to test it out more thoroughly, but I am not sure what the point would be unless it could be repaired. So, does anyone know of a source for Cicada drivers? Does anyone happen to have one or a pair even that they are not using and would be willing to sell? Apparently, Nelson Pass bought all of Craig's stock and then wouldn't sell any of them back to him. NP had some kind of DIY kit with the Cicada drivers and a subwoofer but I don't think those are available anymore, and I don't want a subwoofer. If you have any leads, please let me know. Thanks
  11. So much for the good luck black eyed peas! Or did she skip them in favor of root beers and cookies? Yikes. Glad they eventually found it and that her appendix juice didn't do even worse damage. 😬
  12. Happy Birthday Big Bro! Cheers!
  13. Have a great one Adam! Cheers!
  14. Long live Mr DIYer!
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