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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Everyone loves audio pr0n!
  2. Yeah that's what I'm doing. It's not really a huge deal...
  3. I do, it's just that I keep clicking it first by habit. Sorry! Yeesh.
  4. I know it sounds a bit trivial, but alot of places are like that and by reflex I always click there.
  5. Yeah that's right, post your masterpieces here. Here's me: And I bet you can guess who this is.
  6. Hehe. Anyway I figured it out thanks to Todd, it's under profile > forum profile information > personal text. Yay!
  7. I know it's really a Head-Fi meet, but is anybody else going? I'd feel pretty wierd being the only person there on headcase. \
  8. I'm not saying it isn't extremely difficult and takes skill, it's just boring as hell to watch imo.
  9. hungrych

    akg 701

    Let's get a group buy going on that!
  10. For the price of shipping on that thing you could just buy anther amp!
  11. So (competitive) cheerleading doesn't take a ton of fitness? What the guy brought up was that he didn't think an actual sport could have judges determine points, like gymnastics etc.
  12. Today in health class we had a sub who instead of actually doing anything had us get into an arguent about what a sport. Is curling a sport? Nascar? Cheerleading? What about Chess? The dictionary was pretty vague, so what do you guys think is the difference between a sport and an activity?
  13. I got one like three weeks ago but nooooooo...
  14. Why is his title in the middle of the post?
  15. JEEZ. That's definitely one of the nicest looking amps out there.
  16. No real preference, as long as it stays balanced with the rest of the frequency spectrum. COUGHps-1COUGH
  17. Is the Earmax powerful at all though? I hear that the older AKG's are kinda hard to drive. Though if I prefer one headphone to the others I'll probably just sell the others and find the best match for it.
  18. Well if it was there would be a filter, just don't abuse the hell out of it.
  19. I guess mjb wants to test how hard the ban stick is?
  20. hungrych


    Yeah but if you beg you might get a custom title.
  21. It seems every week on some audio forums there are debates of the merits of computer as source and how it's the be all end all and yaddayaddayadda, and people like Empirical Audio (there was some article the guy wrote about it recently). No they can't do it themselvesbecause they're all cheapskates who can't afford a real transport so they use their computers.
  22. Hehe, I didn't mean regularly, just for comparison's sake. The people want the truth about computer audio!
  23. I meant to compare the USB to a high quality crazy expensive conventional CD transport, like that CEC belt drive one, or your Accuphase. People are always talking about how PC based audio is better and blah blah blah, but you never see comparisons between usb and a high quality conventional transport using the same dac. A real comparison would be nice to see.
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