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MexicanDragon last won the day on October 17 2024

MexicanDragon had the most liked content!

About MexicanDragon

  • Birthday 05/23/1981

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

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  • Biography
    I am a fire breathing mythical creature who was made in Mexico
  • Location
    Bellevue, WA (was: Chattanooga, TN)
  • Interests
    BMWs, cars, racing (autocross for now), motorsports, guns, music (play saxophone), blah blah blah
  • Hobbies
    Interests (Your hobbies, etc)... look in that spot
  • Headphones
    Current: HF-1, HD580, PX100, PP2, im716 Past: HF-1, SR-80, PP Jr., MX500, MX300, er4p, Darth Beyers (Screened with Covers), HD650s
  • Headphone Amps
    Shellbrook Audio Maxi Moy Signature
  • Sources
    Denon 2900, Toshiba SD-3950/3960
  • Other Audio Gear
    Ears, CDs, 8-tracks

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Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. Was suggested this by a friend, but he couldn't give me much info due to giving too much away. I'll do you the same courtesy and just say "it's worth the watch." Hour long episodes, 4 have dropped so far with 4 more coming. Next one on Tuesday. Looking forward to it.
  2. Happy birthday @VPI! I hope you bought the pups a wagyu brisket to celebrate!
  3. So, did they actually ask permission, or was that in some ToS that you signed away everything years ago? Also, did they let you know, or just... you found it?
  4. I'm not sure who this The Band is, but I LOVE the REACT channel. Kids/teens/adults/senior citizens/etc. reacting to things. It's great!
  5. I've told you, or you've heard of, this movie, right? This is one of the best documentaries ever. I mean, I may have event watched this with you, I just can't remember anymore.
  6. I do enjoy a good science project!
  7. https://gradolabs.com/products/grado-headphone-replacement-cushion-f Look familiar? Grado is now selling "F-Cushions", aka "Flat Pads... and these headphones come with both G (salad bowels) and F (flats) cushions. They also have a nice little chart on their pad page that shows all the things that they work with: https://gradolabs.com/collections/headphone-cushions One thing I'm happy about, as someone who has had HF-2s that have been down for a couple years due to a bad cable and I just haven't gotten together with @cetoole (who has a Tyll-esque appreciate for Grados) to recable them, is that they have an effective-standard of mini-XLR jacks for cables. That opens up SO many opportunities to make something ridiculous. Who is the first person to make the plunge and then have @n_maher woody them?
  8. https://gradolabs.com/products/hp100-se Just found out aboot these today thanks to @DouglasQuaid Anyone have hands/ears on yet?
  9. I'm looking at going back to Android in the near future, I do belieb, so this came at a good time... since we're talking about our second favorite Canadian.
  10. Also, congrat to McLaren for scoring the perfect amount of points.
  11. Was great to see Checo where he belongs, and Yuki not scoring points. Glad Lewis showed George up one last time, and going to be fun to watch him stomp Charles next year, though his 19->3 was brilliant. Gutted that Bottas didn't get points, but what a brilliant Friday/Saturday he had. Going to be nice to have a proper last name in a Red Bull instead of the guy who averaged fewer points over the last 16 races than Zhou got last week. Congrat to your team @TMoney (now that they got rid of the dead weight, as opposed to just your driver,) but they did have a brilliant livery the past few weeks.
  12. I was totally going to say S95, which will be much cheaper than what @cetoole just sold (for more than he paid), a Fujifilm X70 (which didn't get the multiple extra releases like the big brother.) Was going to say at least 13 people here have bought S95s, and I figure only half of them sold them and the rest are in drawers (like @Grahame's.) @VPI probably has 8-15 cameras sitting in a drawer unused as well that may fit the bill.
  13. Feliz Cumpleanos, mi amigo de cerveza!
  14. Maybe I can just get a stream up and play 10-15 hours/day and make sim racing content of just playing until I can destroy T$. I'm sure I can talk @Grahame into subscribing.
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