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recstar24 last won the day on March 30 2023

recstar24 had the most liked content!

About recstar24

  • Birthday 04/27/1982

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    Not Telling

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  • Location
    Roselle, IL
  • Occupation
    Middle School music teacher and Choir director

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recstar24's Achievements

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. Steve, Thank you for sharing a little more of your story! I very much appreciate it. As for canjam chicago 2010, I’m glad you brought that up as that was the first time (and maybe only time?) I’ve met you in person and you were and are absolutely wonderful. You may recall I believe we had lunch at Giordano’s with my wife and I just think you are awesome. That is all
  2. Yeah the bubble is gonna burst soon 🤦‍♂️ (which is fine because when it does I am buying all the good shit for bottom of market value lol)
  3. Whoa can’t believe that thread above how not only old it is but how much a vinyl newb I was
  4. Thanks everyone for the well wishes!
  5. nice surprise! Picked up at the Harvard Book store while visiting
  6. Best wishes Tom! I hope you are doing OK and definitely a birthday to remember
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