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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I've had these in for a couple hours now. Perfect comfort. Perfect seal. I forgot I was wearing them. This is a first. I have pretty small canals it seems. I had some mini foamies, but they were a bit too small. I've been using the Shure olives, but the seal wasn't as good as good as flanges, though I could wear them for a long time comfortably. The white flanges gave me the best seal and sound, but irritated. These feel as if they were made for me alone. Thanks, Salty. I wouldn't have known about them if you hadn't posted.
  2. Well, if you haven't noticed, I'm not real worried about being perceived as a bitch, but I also don't think being bitchy serves a purpose if the meaning behind the bitchfest isn't understood. I didn't think it would be in this case. That's why I started that thread.
  3. What's weird is I actually lent him my Hornet for a couple weeks, since I was going to sell it anyway. He'd gotten screwed over on some deal on a Hornet (funny how that seems to happen to him a lot...diamond ring story, too) and posted about tracking the kid to Chicago subs and calling the police on him. I knew he was a Florida guy and had been to Matt's, and I figured he was just a kid starting out, so I sent him my amp, which he reviewed. He sent it back a little later than I asked, but I figured it was just a stupid kid thing, and it came back well packaged and no problems. I never saw the Marshmallow thread, but right before head-fi went down, he started posting really messed up shit about being with women and about what a burden it was to be a dad because he just couldn't stop, etc. I knew he was a jerk right then. The talking with Ray bit confirmed it.
  4. Actually, it was fucking bad Nate (oicdn) who put up pictures of a Graham Slee amp and said that the company made great products in a thread that got me going. I know he's never heard one, just as I knew he never talked with Ray at a meet like he posted here. I was going to post a "but have you heard it" comment, but I didn't think it would register as anything other than me being bitchy (again). I didn't even think about this thread, but maybe it was in the back of my mind. I love Duggeh's response.
  5. Hey, I just noticed it's your birthday. Hope you're doing something nice. Happy Birthday!
  6. Nope. I actually forgot. They're still sitting unopened. Thanks for reminding me. I'll go check them out now.
  7. No, but I wouldn't be surprised if he thought the same. He's kinda a smart guy.
  8. It's human nature in the age of entitlement. Everyone wants personal attention and to feel like their needs are being attended to. I suspect at least half the people posting those questions are well aware of the search function, but they want personal attention, and I suspect they also want to participate. Since they have nothing yet to offer due to inexperience, that's their only foot in the door. Should they consider the fact that they're cluttering up the forum, especially if they see three more threads with their identical question on the first page? Yes, but most people don't bother to think how their actions affect others in their daily lives. Why would they stop to consider such now? That said, I do think some of the responsibility for how bad it's gotten falls on members who know better and allow it. A simple "please look at other threads first before asking" rather than "Have you ever heard of search?" would go a long way. I don't think it's wrong to kitten-slap a noob for posting things that are messing up a forum. I also think mods could start saying that, and start combining or deleting threads if it's clear there's five 600 vs 650 threads going on at the same time yet again. A few weeks of that, and I bet it would stop. Of course, I could be wrong.
  9. If he ended up not liking them, for that price, he could definitely sell them for little or no loss. I think it's a win-win.
  10. The AE-2 should be fine. I really listened to that amp for the first time at the recent Florida meet, compared it to a stack of others, and was impressed. The only two I favored over it were the PRII, and the SR-71. The 580s sound better with better amplification, but so do many headphones. I don't think they suffer as much as the 650s do with portable amps. One of my first rigs was the 580s and a microamp. It kept me happy for a long time, but then I discovered headphone forums, went to a meet, and
  11. And that's why Mike's the Meet Master...or what were we calling you last one? Ooh, I loved Columbo as a kid. Used to watch it and McMillian and Wife, one after the other on Friday nights. Maybe that's what happened. No. People who throw fronts for no real reason just piss me off. He would have had my total respect if he'd just said, I got backed into a corner and starting spouting shit, but instead he threw shit my way. That rarely works out well.
  12. Nice trying to pull a deflector move. Sadly, it's a well-known liar's tactic. I wasn't at the mini-meet at Matt's place and never said I was. I only said that I knew you were there, and since you were, you know Ray wasn't. You claimed to talk to Ray about "tech stuff" at a meet. Since the only meet I know you've been to was at Matt's I couldn't help but wonder which one you were talking about. That's the only question, not whether I hung out on Matt's sofa. There have only been two meets with Ray in Florida since you joined. Which one? Pick.
  13. Mikhail sometimes send tubes right away and sometimes not. I requested more 6528s after mine had an accident at a meet, and after numerous back and forth emails, gave up. I was also looking for some Amperex pinch-waists for my CDP, which he said he had, and would send, but nada. Yet, with other tubes, he's sent them out immediately. Hit and miss, but I really didn't expect anything different.
  14. Nice. I got those blue Ety tips in the mail today. Did you get yours yet? I'll try them out tomorrow. Last purchase: bag of baby spinach, olive oil, and a slab of tempeh
  15. I like reading what people have so I have a frame of reference for what they like. I do it here so folks will know what I like. If your taste is different from mine, you'll know up front how to take anything I have to say. Also, I've cycled through a bit of gear, though not nearly as much as some people I know, but what I've kept, I really enjoy, and it's nice to be able to show it. Lord knows no one else in my daily life could give two hoots or have any idea what a K1000 can sound like. I know you guys do, and it's a way to share. What's interesting is that I took gear out of my sig on head-fi. It got in the way of having meaningful conversations about anything that wasn't in my signature, which was limiting and boring. The op's toss off statement was indicative of how many people interpret things. I was trying to have a discussion in the Ultrasone thread, and sovkiller dismissed anything I said based on the fact I own R10s. How could I possibly hear what was good in anything else was his reasoning. I found the same in the thread about not "getting" the Denons, and almost viciously so in that Disturbing Trend thread. It got in the way, so I got rid of it. Now that the gear has disappeared from profiles, I'm not even sure I'll put it back in. Probably will, but have reservations. It's a pain to be put on the defensive when saying you don't like a certain anything, and people assume you're dissing it only because you own something "better" rather than having formed intelligent and careful opinions on whatever is being discussed. It shouldn't be that way, but it often is. It became not worth it to me.
  16. I guess this practice is the norm with used gear, but I was surprised to learn how common it is. I had a hard time selling my old Minimax and one pair of headphones because only overseas buyers were interested, and I was unwilling to to underdeclare the value. Though I was upfront about it from the first communication, it seemed no one actually believed what I said, ignored it and kept assuming it was negotiable because that had been their experience, though I couldn't have been clearer. It was the everyone is doing it defense. My reasoning was based on an unwillingness to get burned with insurance if something went wrong, yet I was even accused by one guy in Israel of being anti-Israeli. I wasted way too much of my time messing with those pms. Bah.
  17. He's actually been talking with someone about it, so that was also a lie, saying he may. He starts this whole hyped-up thread, gets everyone tuned in, tries it out then goes in to sell. Probably be posting about how he owned a Diablo and knows what it sounds like in threads all over. He didn't even read the manual stating to NEVER discharge the battery fully, and was busy trying to do it multiple times to get better results. Fool.
  18. So Nick, you little shit, now you're trying to sell your Diablo you've had for only a couple days to someone, telling him it's wonderful, lying on head-fi about battery life and saying it sounds like the PRII and is comparable. It doesn't and it's not. You don't know what you're talking about and are trying to pawn it off on someone who doesn't know better yet. I've got to go to work, but you've totally pissed me off with that asswipe move. Go ahead, try and sell it.
  19. I've heard the new balanced desktops from Headroom with both 650s and K701s. I'm highly prejudiced about the 650s with most amps, but in this case, they sound very good, and if you were going this route, I would recommend them over the 600s.
  20. He's now selling those R10 killers on head-fi. Says he bought another pair to mod and have recabled.
  21. I don't use my computer as a transport and I'm not familiar with that specific HeadRoom product, so I'm not the best to advise there, but I highly recommend HD600s as they are wonderful with the music you like and seem to take better to a variety of amps than the 650s do. I do like that you're thinking about a system as a whole. I think others here have more experience than I with what you might need.
  22. Are you looking for portability in headphones as well as associated gear? If full-sized, is open okay?
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