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Everything posted by thrice

  1. thrice

    Perfect songs.

    Aimee Mann-Red Vines The Beach Boys-Good Vibrations That's all I can think of right now.
  2. Cowboy Junkies-At the End of Paths Taken
  3. Rykarda Parasol-For Blood and Wine
  4. thanks for the heads up, I really like her first album. Can't wait to hear this one.
  5. Reminder: Season 2 of Dollhouse starts tonight on Fox in the US.
  6. I won a pair of the HD238 at CanJam this year. Overall I like them a lot. They are definitely better than the PX100. Not by much but better, more refined. About $50 more refined if you must know.
  7. Are you talking about Apple's Remote app, or another?
  8. Yep, my wife came up to me the other day before she agreed and said, "so we'll be able to use the video camera to film our daughter and load it up to MobileMe?" I said yes.... and so did she. Cocaine is a hell of a drug Video by Mow Down The Sexy People - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=4141479@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@4141479
  9. Apparently there's an AT&T kiosk in the student store here on campus! Restoring my iPod Touch backup to new iPhone right now.
  10. Does anyone know if you can restore an iPod Touch backup onto and iPhone? I've got a lot of apps with data in them and I don't want to lose it or have to key it all in by hand.
  11. 3.0 Hidden Features (90+ so far) - Mac Forums good thread about new features
  12. Yes. I talked to an Apple store employee afterwards. When you preorder the order is good for launch day. After that all bets are off. I've seen that Best Buy and AT&T are sold out of pre-orders, but I haven't heard about Apple stores yet. We'll pop over after work Friday night and pick ours up. Then it will be a long fun weekend with our new toys.
  13. Picking ours up at the Apple store this Friday. Woot!
  14. I'm sure if you bring your arm all the way back and throw as hard as you can, you can get a pair of D5000s to go faster. .......unless the cable is weighing it down.
  15. Now if we could just edit them as well.... Find my iPhone seems kinda cool too. But it too is for MobileMe customers only.
  16. Agreed. That's really the only big road-block at this point. I've heard rumors that Verizon will announce this month that they will get the iPhone as well... but those are just rumors. Verizon + iPhone 3GS = win.
  17. This would be my first iPhone and the video capture and upload to MobileMe is a real plus. It'll make catching and uploading little snippets of baby thrice easy and awesome. It doesn't seem like that minor an upgrade from the original 3G... added a compass, video better camera, voice control, faster processing and double the capacity at the same price-points. I can see how it wouldn't be worth it upgrading from the current 3G though.
  18. I'll let you know first.... some intense negotiations with my wife tonight, since an iPhone means canceling at least, my Verizon account.... we'll see.
  19. Indeed! So, anyone want a 1st gen. 32GB iPod Touch.... real cheap.
  20. Damn.... new iPhone 3GS is it... gotta get one of those especially since it comes with 32GB of storage.
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