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Everything posted by wink

  1. Ran with the dust covers. For your help Tyll......
  2. Would you like 4 rubber feet that Justin puts on his BHSE's? I have some...... You can only use my pro phones - unless you want to put a normal socket on the back panel. The bias should be no problem to do.
  3. That unobtanium knob looks exceptional... May have to give you a loan of one of mine until the titanium one shows up.....
  4. Not at all, they are then an academic audiophile.
  5. True, but the academic usually has a university education behind him whereas the audiophile only has his preferences.
  6. I remember these from the sixties. Chessmen of Mars started me off in Sci-F-i books when my father bought it home after finding it on a train.
  7. "You've got the big mouth part covered... " I only open my mouth to change feet. The only academics I have a gripe with are those who are educated beyond their intelligence, and hence won't listen to anyone who steps on their pet paradigm.
  8. My bad... as in puns......
  9. Solution: Small sandwich & big mouth......
  10. I bet they would sound wooden too. Or, maybe, the just wooden work.
  11. That rings a bell...... Must revisit the episode....
  12. "....not dealing with a full deck. " Oh, dear. BTW it was not a personal barb at your august self. I was being too terse and concise. Most people don't deal with the full deck because they take out one or two of the jokers supplied. "You may want to take a long, hard look in the mirror." I do, and all I see is a balding old fogey. My invective is against the academics who are totally impractical. Reminds me of an episode of the TV series Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy where they put all the academics in one ship and sent them in a different direction to the rest of the fleet. When the academics landed on a habitable planet and realised they were cut off from the others they died out because every time they had to make a decision they had to hold a meeting to discuss what had to be done. You know the type.
  13. ....not dealing with a full deck.
  14. I ratiocinate all the time and it leads me to the solid conclusion that it is not a ubiquitous practice, and if done improperly leads to the obfuscation of the subject of ratiocinated. All academia should be lined up against the wall and shot with reality pills.
  15. Good post Leonardo. Don't let the jaded Head-case ensconsed denizens mortify you with their blase comments. It could be they are mortified by your not-so-succinct erudition. The other forum would be severely miffed, unless you posted it in the Sound Science forum. In that case you would have to run the gauntlet of all the pseudo-intellects who believe that their brand of reality is the only valid one for human existence. At least here you only have to put up with veiled jibes, polite raspberries and off-beat attempts at humour.
  16. The person who buys these phones will be in for a surprise when they try them on their normal bias socket. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/STAX-SR-007-OMEGA2-HEADPHONE-SET-/200751032787?pt=UK_AudioVisualElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Headphones&hash=item2ebdb1a9d3
  17. sillysally can be a trip at times.
  18. Yay... Good point.
  19. http://www.pawel-acoustics.ch/pdf/hp-1_german.pdf Anyone know about this?
  20. I'd be a bit more interested if the Anaxilus mod wasn't so effective in squelching the treble.
  21. Make some more.....
  22. Is that the one for sale over at H-F?
  23. Taket H2
  24. For the newbie's sake, it's better to keep it simple than to flabberghast them with science.
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