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Everything posted by wink

  1. Didregard all the above. It's all specious rubbish. The real reason is the same reason people like valves in preference to solid state. The problem is that people like even harmonic distortion. Even harmonic distortion causes sympathetic vibrations in the auditory canals as the cilia vibrate in harmony. This fools the brain into thinking that as the distortion augments the primary note, it sounds like musicality. DO NOT BE FOOLED. Distortion is DISTORTion. Purity is High Fidelity.
  2. Happy Birthday, you young whipper-snapper. May all your pleasures be high voltage and amplified.
  3. Johnwmclean's B22 and HD800 were wonderful driven off his buffalo II Dac. One of the cleanest and detailed systems I've heard. In clean, I don't mean it had the life sucked out of the music. Sparkling presentation. Like a fresh morning view of the countryside on a clear frosty morning..... When the air almost sparkles, it's so clear.
  4. I'm waiting for Spritzer's incarnation of the volcano. He could call it Bardabonga after the volcano that blew in 1477AD. I dont think Schiit will steal that name as they did Mjolnir. It doesn't have the same ring to it.
  5. Trouble here is if they only sell a whole batt or roll, and you only want/need a half a square foot.
  6. Friends, Romans anc countrymen, lend me your ears... I wanna see if I can hear what you hear.
  7. I guess trial and error is indicated. You could contact possibly some manufacturers for a sample of their product. Sometimes this works.
  8. "Or perhaps it is the same as someone who can see colour, scoffing at someone who think they can see IR and UV. " Perhaps they can. I'm not in a position to judge. I can only comment on what I experience.
  9. "Cable cynics will scoff...in which case they can have fun with their distant mids." They certainly will. It's the same as someone who is colour-blind scoffing at those who can see colour.......
  10. Mineral Wool http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineral_wool Google is your friend.
  11. My HD800 with a Blue Dragon cable is my favourite can in my collection, although the HE60 out of a Transistoramp V3 was very close to knocking ot off it's perch. Can't wait to finish one of my KGSS and KGSSHV builds. Will probably see the HD800 dethroned, even with the Anax mod recently installed.
  12. Glass wool insulation. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/OO-HO-Gauge-Rolls-Foil-Backed-Glass-Wool-Insulation-x-10-/180825204817?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item2a1a05a851
  13. gauze laced with strychnine...
  14. swt61 would gladly audition a sample from Sennheiser....
  15. Best Cheap Headphones Blogspot - ED10 review Are they talking about price or sound quality? Worst part is it's an Australian site.
  16. Digital and analogue in the other?
  17. That's a mega vacuum-inducing event in headphone annals. Probably the plebian equivalent of the original Stax Sigma & Omega, Sony R10 & Qualia O10 going off-line.
  18. "but if you're assembling a good rig, the 650 perform better. " I should think so..... The problem is that on mediocre rigs or ipods the HD600/HD650's sound pretty ordinary. And that is where the T50P, L1 etc are usually used. On a reasonable to great HiFi rig the HD's scale up well whereas the others are left wallowing in their mid-fi mediocrity.
  19. Dyslexic neuronal synapses....
  20. Maybe a transconductance amp is the way to go.....
  21. wink

    Audeze LCD-2

    As hard as it is to believe, balsa is classed as a hardwood..........
  22. . The Norse 8 conductor cable is a noticeable improvement over the stock one.
  23. "The pre-Columbian Americans did develop a process for making copper tools that are harder than steel. However, I am pretty sure that this came sometime after the invention of bronze tools in the old world and there is no evidence for this process having been discovered elsewhere. It is a lost technology. We don't know how they did it. We only know that they did because we have found some of the tools they left behind." http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/11652 I want a chassis made from this copper...
  24. I just hope he doesn't make this year's Darwin Awards.....
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