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Everything posted by EdipisReks1

  1. Espresso comedy routine aside, I think you are off to a good start, Sam.
  2. Also don’t get discouraged by bad shots: espresso is like performing music; nobody, no matter how talented, picks up an oboe for the first time and starts playing Bach. I mean, that doesn’t look terrible. Given what the puck looks like I would say you either need to coarsen up or fine up the grind. Helpful advice, I know. It looks wet, so my guess is you need to be a smidge coarser. Or you are tamping too hard. Or maybe the opposite! It’s a good start, regardless, and the bruises will be well earned.
  3. Sucking at making espresso is precisely how you eventually make good espresso! If you made good espresso off the bat you could only have one direction to go in, and it wouldn’t be the direction you want. Oh, and you can discover that you suck at steaming milk, if you give that a whirl! I would get good at milk first, honestly; milk drinks were invented because most espresso is bad but is okay if turned into something where you don’t really taste the coffee.
  4. Ordered a Smart Espresso Profiler. Should have it in March. Hopefully I don’t get hit by a car in the next four+ months. Not again anyway; I’ve been hit by a car and once was enough!
  5. I guess I don’t know what Levercraft’s situation is. I know how this sort of thing generally goes, and I know I couldn’t get my coffee order in.
  6. I was not able to to buy the coffee I wanted and the main page says “we are going out of business,” though in more words. They can’t exist without the shop and are selling existing stock.
  7. My attempt at buying coffee from LeverCraft failed. Looks like they are going out of business.
  8. The pressurized part, which they call “True Crema Valve,” is removable, and then it’s like any other portafilter. I have to be in a particular state of mind not to, but I’m a weirdo. Anyway, he really likes the Nomad, and Quan has certainly used plenty of espresso machines.
  9. I really do think the profiler is in my future, as I’ll finally be able to really use the full capabilities of the Acaias. Plus, as Sam said, Moar is Moar! It’s something to do. Regarding the Nomad, did you see Brian Quan’s recent video on his, Alex?
  10. I just realized I have $700 in coffee scales. What am I doing with my life? Other than enjoying very good coffee, I mean. I should probably get a Smart Espresso Profiler for the Flair 58, to make the scales worthwhile.
  11. Just tried the Bellman. That thing works! Lots of dry steam. I don’t know why people are scared of these: if you can safely operate a pressure cooker you can safely operate this. I’ll try a latte tomorrow if I feel up to it (Moderna booster yesterday kicked my butt, but I feel a lot better now).
  12. Had my first cup of the Esteban Garcia. It’s absolutely delightful. Bright and rich and sweet and endearingly nutty, with a funkiness that is interesting and sort of rounds things out. I would happily buy this if it were to ever be available for sale, which it almost certainly never will be.
  13. I don’t think I posted this. I’m going to scan it and have it framed to go over my coffee bar, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah: I’m a Hoffman fanboy, I’m aware. His videos got me back into coffee after a few years of being disinterested, so I’ll wear that fanboy-ism on my sleeve. Or in a frame on my wall, anyway. Also it’s a Balac, and his New Yorker covers are pretty wonderful.
  14. Flair 58 finally shipped! Once I get it I can decide on the next espresso machine, I guess.
  15. Hey, Clive is great too, and that’s a nice promotion! French Press is another store I’ve bought from. I get Prima stuff next day, though. BTW: I really like the Crema coffee palm tamper/distributors. I like them enough that I have it in four sizes for my various setups. Highly recommended. I would also get a precision basket. I like IMS, but this is a lot less important than a good tamp.
  16. Also, I don’t know if you have bought from Prima before: they rule. Also pretty local to me (I haven’t been to the current location, though). In other coffee news, if anybody is interested in a small drip machine that attempts to replicate a pour over, more or less, I’ll let you know how the Zojirushu Zutto is after Christmas. Heather had complained about the quality of coffee at her college (apparently the Ember travel mug I got her isn’t enough for 10 hours of lecture: go figure), but I also know she doesn’t have a ton of room in her office. The Zutto really looks like a baby version of the Bonavita. I figure she’ll mostly use pre ground coffee, or grind at home, but a Hario Electric Solo and a Mini Slim Plus should take care of any grinding needs. The Solo shouldn’t have the issues with grinding for filter that I experienced when trying to grind espresso with the Option-O. I think it’ll be a nice small setup. Will replace some piece of shit Mr. Coffee or whatever. I’ve ruined her for coffee; when I met her she eyeballed an amount of whatever she got from Trader Joe’s and hoped for the best. It was… well, it was coffee.
  17. Not quite yet, but gonna drive up to Dayton National. Yesterday was my dad’s birthday. I have a little note from me and my mom to put there. We’re past the anger. My mom would go with me, but she has physical difficulties.
  18. Oh, I’ve thought about it. I promised my partner I wouldn’t spend that much. Ordering the Niche instead of the Option-O Lagom P64 freed up some money for the machine, though not enough for that!
  19. That’s what I’m afraid of, and why I haven’t gotten one.
  20. I just pulled a shot with my 10 year old Breville that none of my local shops could have pulled. Like Dan said, different priorities: I pull one shot a day, typically. I know my machine inside and out, and I think I have the grinder dialed in for this bean. I used the Lunar. You don’t have to have a fancy scale like this (I barely use the smart features; maybe someday), but I do think a scale is important for consistent shots. To me, the first step isn’t so much in the equipment, it’s making a whole bunch of bad espresso. Then after you figure out how to make bad espresso, do the opposite.
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