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Posts posted by morphsci

  1. David bought a pair of Grover cables from me. No problems and I had to comment as it was probably the most courteous audio transaction I have ever been involved in. Thanks David.

  2. I agree, that's what's killing meets and headfi in general...

    But anyway, it's one thing to acknowledge that it's futile to ask and another to revel in being a selfish ass like it's a right.

    I concur and I concur...though so far I will say some of the young guys in that have been showing up at the chicago meets seem to actually have manners and understand what meets and this whole hobby is all about...makes me curious and excited that the chicago scene may be still alive...gotta love the midwest.

    I was very happy with the meet we had in Champaign. It was about 50:50 newbies to old-fucks. Everyone was very courteous, and the discussions were actually interesting and did not revolve around the best $50 DAC that kills everything else in the universe.

  3. My concern here, in my case, is basically if I'm paying money for a glorified lateral move. If that's the case, then I may as well not bother so I'm kind of on the fence about cancelling my preorder.

    If I'm going to spend this kind of money on headphones, I want something that's noticeably "better" across the boards.

    How would anyone else be able to answer that question for you? The only real way to know is to try them out for yourself. Hopefully whoever you are ordering them from has a good return policy in case you feel that they are not to your liking. Even if they do not, I do not see you having much trouble selling them for little to no loss.

  4. It should accept 24/192 over toslink. My desktop portable accepts 24/192 over toslink. I send 16/44.1 from my squeezebox to my upsampler and then send 24/192 or 24/176.4 to the desktop portable DAC using either coax or toslink SPDIF. There are also protocols that use toslink besides SPDIF such as ADAT that Dusty linked to.

  5. I still think that the original moth s2a3 can't be topped:


    laser etched logo. Chassis has that kind of black paint you might find on a lexus. The glow of the tubes through these spooky portholes, the moth emblem, etc. On top of the brass plaques for the transformers inside the chassis and tons of random details that most would consider trivial, the BA looks more like the EC HD-25 that I used to own. I am more in line with nate on the looks department, I prefer the looks of the Zana. All I care about is how it sounds, and that jim is not too far away from me that I can have a listen.

    That is one sexy amp. But I do see a family resemblance between this and the BA, even if the BA may be the illegitimate stepchild. This will be making it to Chiunifi III.

    It (duh) recalls the storied Xana and has a great "mad scientist" feel about it.

    Somehow that seems rather apropos ;)

    Also, just to clear things up, the images are not my actual amp as I ordered a 307A model not an AD1. Craig was simply nice enough to send those to me so I could see what the final casework looked like.

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