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Posts posted by morphsci

  1. Morphsci if you like the Ultramatch I'd recommend you take a look at the DEQ2496 (unless you need the SRC or the heaphone outs).

    I do not specifically need the headphone out, that waqs more a comment in using it as a more all-in-one solution. In what way, other than the equalization options, would the ultracurve be better than the ultramatch for doing AD conversions? I'm really interested because I will be doing some vinyl archiving this summer. I would love to get a unit that does 24/192 but those are significantly more money than I want to spend on this right now.

  2. Any of you netbook users have tried to use Matlab or another numerical analysis application? That's probably the most demanding thing I'd do on a netbook if I decide to buy one and I'm wondering how well it performs for such tasks.

    I'm probably going to load SAS on it and then run some data sets through on it and my workstation. SAS writes both total time and processor time into the log file for each procedure and the total run. Should be interesting. I probably won't get around to doing that before the summer though.

  3. Decided not to use them as an incentive for beeleemeet, I see

    I was unable to attend Chiunifi-2 as I am a most excellent procrastinator. I was still working on my poster presentation on that Saturday for the meeting I was flying to on Sunday. I was going to send the shirts up with someone else, but nobody is really close to Charleston.

    @Aura - Black/Orange it is

  4. OK, a special deal for head-casers attending Yes, We Cans 2009. I have some Head-Case tee shirts in the following colors (Shirt/Lettering - # Shirts)

    Gray/Black - 1

    White/Black - 2

    Black/Purple - 2

    Black/Orange - 2

    Black/Black -1 (Dusty Chalk Approved)

    Please post your color preferences in this thread. The cost is your attendance at the meet (i.e. you have to pick up the shirt from me at the meet).

    Carry On.

  5. I've been using my latest Braun for almost 10 years. It works like a charm, is reliable and blade/head changes are easy. The cleaning works great, I do not clean it after every shave, but more like once every two weeks or so. I simply loosen the head and turn it on to remove loose hairs after every shave. I go through maybe 4 cleaning refills a year, not really a significant expense compared to my audio related expenses. I do change the blade/head every year, but that is shaving every day.

  6. ....one day mine will shed it's little box and move into a big case with real heatsinks and jacks that dont squeak around because I used a bigger cable than the reddiewhiteys...

    Yep, my plan is to relocate it into a case that matches the PSU so there will be no more little jokes ... :indra:

  7. is it good?

    I liked it a lot when I last listened to it a lot, which was back in 2003. Then we moved and I lost it for a "while". I rediscovered it a few months ago but it had a bad headphone jack and had to be repaired. Plus I never discovered its original power supply. Any way, it sounds good now but that is with minimal listening time. I will be comparing it to the desktop portable which I do like, so we will see.

    I'm also bringing it to the meet this weekend so it will be interesting to see what others think.

  8. morphsci-albums-main-album-picture591-aa-rack.jpg

    Actually, there are two things that are half new. The first is my repaired AA V.1.0 and its new "Chuck-69" PSU. Thank you very much Pars.

    The second is the rack I constructed for the upcoming meet. The shelves are newly cut from birch plywood but the legs are repurposed from a full size Sanus rack.

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