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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Aura

  1. Going to see Andy Mckee tonight in Chicago. Can't wait.
  2. I should ask in the thread over at HF. Someone is bound to be desparate for some cash. Will report back Tyler.
  3. Will you guys be selling *giving* blowjobs? That might increase my chances of attending as well. Steve - For me I'd give you a discount any day of the week .
  4. Can I sell shit if I attend? Even if I don't have any gear? Can I sell my body? Maybe a kidney?
  5. Congrats everyone. Life is good. Spending the next three days at my girlfriends new apartment. Fuck, life is great.
  6. Have a kickass birthday Greg .
  7. I thought you found a house already Zach? Are you looking to move again?
  8. Haha no worries, I'm happy as fuck that Shelly jumped on it.
  9. Called in sick for work today, staying at the gf's. Will probably lounge around for several hours and watch a shitload of tennis. Woot.
  10. I recommend you visit Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles.
  11. smeg ya fuckin beast. love this thread. steve's pair was incredibly enjoyable and easy to listen to at CanJam.
  12. Well, I am not a father myself and not entirely sure that I will ever be one, but this day still means a hell of a lot to me and given the demographic of our group, I assume it means as much to many of you. Happy father's day to all the dads and to everyone else thinking of their fathers and grandfathers. Wish you all the very best.
  13. Tired as fuck today. Spent last night in the ER with my gf, she had been feeling crappy the past few days and ended up with UTI-like symptoms and severe lower back pain (kidneys). They considered kidney stones but it ended up being a UTI that had spread to her kidneys. She is taking today off and getting those antibiotics going. I think I have about 1 hour sleep in the past 30 or so.
  14. Haha awesome man. I'd completely indulge in that one if I were you. Lmk on the housewarming, I already told the gf about it and she is up for it.
  15. Two suits from Italy, one in charcoal and one in olive, with appropriate dress shirts and ties. They better be damn well worth it because I basically spent an entire paycheck on the fuckers. :/
  16. Steve and I are having a bromance. It has been great fun . And thanks Steve, hopefully she agrees with you.
  17. You're right on Nate, been told this a few times in the past but it can be difficult to remain chill when I tend to be very compulsive. She is the same way so I think that works well for us.
  18. Quite right you are Gene. Pretty sure I'm already in love but I'm not sure either of us are ready for that. Thanks Vicki.
  19. Thanks folks. Not popping the question, way too early for that, but it's an important stop enroute to that destination. She's an absolute keeper, of this I am sure.
  20. Made reservations for what I believe is going to be a very very important date tomorrow night with the girlfriend. Also going to get a suit after work for my cousin's wedding Saturday and then going out to eat at my favorite Mexican place with my parents, sister, and grandfather. Life is seriously good right now.
  21. I'm essentially echoing Mike's sentiments here, but you are an all-around great guy Steve and absolutely a friend of mine. I admire your courage and kander. I liked Ryan's point on assumptions; I will entirely admit that I always assume people to be straight and of course this can (and has been) incorrect. It just goes to show, never assume anything. Wish you the best Steve, can't wait to hang out again friend.
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