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Craig Sawyers

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Craig Sawyers

  1. Well, his worst work is Eine Kleine Nacht Musik. It is musical popcorn. But the guy wrote 600-odd pieces of music, so he is allowed the odd bad one. The most wierd one he composed was for glass harmonium. This was a mechanically driven set of rotating glasses tuned to different notes, and sounded by a keyboard linked to felt pads which pressed on the rim. Kind of like the thing we've all done of rubbing a finger around a part full wine glass. The guy who funded that piece clearly had bought this instrument from hell, and Mozart was commissioned to write something for it. But I have no idea how you would write a list of his best pieces. The operas? The clarinet concerto and clarinet quintet? The requiem? I love everthing I've heard of his, with the exception of EKNM, which drives my nuts.
  2. This guy http://www.hobbithou...s/snakewood.htm seems to have a large load of snakewood. I've never come across the wood before, but I can see why it is highly thought of looking at the photos. Scratch that - he just hosts pics of other peoples wood!!!!
  3. Nice! How about Cocobolo http://www.exotichardwoods.co.uk/Woods_List/Cocobolo.asp
  4. An 8-bit birthday Seriously I love Mozart's works - if I were stranded on a desert island, and all I had was a collection of his works (and a solar powered CD or MP3 player...) I would not go mad.
  5. Cool! We're just expecting a kitchen designer to arrive, and here in the UK Corian is twice the price of real marble. Allegedly this is because DuPont are focused on the large installation market, like top quality hotels, and the prices for the sort of quantity you need for domestic kitchen worksurfaces are through the roof. Kitchen through the roof???!!?? And I haven't had anything to drink. Yet
  6. Sticky Killer Davis. I think I'll keep to the day job
  7. I think it is OK for my LV one. It is linked to a delrin shaft, and is not in contact with the (toasty hot) casework, and is a wood with a very high internal oil content (which is why it was used for ship's propellor bearings). I might get a bit more concerned with a really hard wood like ebony or african blackwood. Anyone think about a one made out of natural stone, like marble, limestone or slate? Or one of the polymer composites like Corian.
  8. That is fucking hilarious. It is the ones in the gimp masks that really corpsed me.
  9. I'll go with the opponent at the top, if it is OK with you
  10. Must make the lignum vitae ones seem easy by comparison! Craig
  11. Or even: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=EVwlMVYqMu4&vq=medium#t=10
  12. Have a great one! Tyll - like the pic
  13. After two pretty hard winters here in the UK (we're talking maybe a week of deep snow, and maybe -10C) this one is crazy mild. It is 11C at the moment. Not one single flake of snow this winter. That will remain the case unless the saline pump just off the arctic doesn't fail. Drives warm water from South America and the Carribbean to wash our Western shore, and stops us getting too cold. If/when it fails, we'll be the same temperature as places on the same latitude like Calgary and Irkutsk, and we'll freeze our nuts off - our homes aren't built to cope with those conditions.
  14. Good luck! You've been through the wringer a bit on your T2, although most of us have. Mine (touch wood - as I do every time I change volume) hasn't missed a beat after multi silicon death through the dreaded counterfeit 2SC3675's.
  15. Wrong forum for this - but this is the measured response of each of my '57's measured in my listening room at 1m on axis.
  16. You heard the latest food scare? There has been a cohort study by a group in Scandanavia which shows that if you eat two rashers of bacon or a sausage each day, your risk of pancreas cancer increases (wait for it) by 19%. Sheesh - it had been a factor of three or something, it might have been worth thinking about - but 19% Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/jan/13/bacon-linked-pancreatic-cancer-report
  17. Woah - I've been off this thread for too long. I'd no idea you'd been under the knife - so the very best with your recovery. PT's are a real PITA though aren't they? They show absolutely no mercy - but boy do they get results. I had my right knee worked on six years ago - and yesterday I ran 15 off-road trail miles. Hang on in there.
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