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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. No, that's Head-Fi. I wrote the meat popsicle comment, as well as the sourdough/deepfried comment.
  2. I'm guessing it's because the user decided not to show up as browsing when browsing. That said, I'm wondering how guests post (see, for example, PinkFloyd).
  3. Alright, I'm confused, I'm changing one of them, but something to which I thought I changed it got stuck under my moniker...so now it appears I got two, and I can only change one. So I guest the question is, how do it all work again?
  4. So what was your favourite movie of 2005? A couple of mine: Batman Begins Constantine Howl's Moving Castle Mirrormask Sin City Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit ...can't think of any others, but I'm sure I'm forgetting some... I would have said: Appleseed, Steamboy, and Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, but those are all 2004.
  5. So, I hae a broken pair of DT990's. One of the channels is significantly lower than th'other. Like 18db lower. First of all, for my edification -- what would cause such a thing? I would have guessed a broken connection, but I can still hear the signal, albeit significantly weakened. A short? An almost broken connection? I rule out the latter, because it does not cut in and out. This is all just theory -- I'm not much of a solderer. Secondly, who would be a good person to send to fix it, and perhaps to upgrade it at the same time (new cables)?
  6. I'd be up for that, but the closest I saw to a general forum was the off-topic, is that what you mean? And yes, that's fine, I'll post there from now on, when it comes to movies and anime 'n'stuff.
  7. Can we have a movie forum?
  8. I'm trying to think how many 2005 films I saw...17? There were 15 or 16 films better than Crash.
  9. Yeah, I really don't perceive the leatherhead and the PS1 in the same league at all -- the PS1 is in a class by itself, just like the DT770 used to be (until the PS1 came to be). No offense -- hope I didn't offend with my open criticisms, I can be rather blunt that way. It is not whether it is to like or not to like, it is not to know.
  10. Try modding it. I, too, am underwhelmed with the X-CAN (in my case, V2)'s performance, but I once heard a modded X-CANv2 combined with a CD3000 that was just magical. (And it was Hirsch's for a while, so when he refers to that combination, we're referring to the same thing.) I think several people have come to the conclusion that caps are more important than tubes, even.
  11. Thanks for the welcome (assuming that was directed at me).
  12. This poll is defective from the get-go. I do have a preference, but it's not listed: DT770, which isn't as overblown as the PS-1, but it's stronger than anything Sennheiser or Grado can offer. I like to be bludgeoned, but not ravaged.
  13. Noooo...!!! :argh: But I know how much you hate being wrong, so I thought I'd correct you. BTW, you shouldn't judge higher-end MF equipment based on your experience with the entry level equipment. Your assessment of the A5 is well enough at face value, but you really should have heard the A308 in my boss's system -- ranked right up there with the best I've heard, including Meridian G08.
  14. Awesome! Just listened to it again, myself. Glad you dug!
  15. What is this 'Lavry' of which you speak? Tell me mo'. Is this the same thing as in Canman's rig from the NJ meet? Combination DAC and preamp/attenuator? Is canman coming to the MD meet?
  16. Actually, that's a Wheatfield HA-2, not HA-1. Just a minor quibble.
  17. I like these two. We need a 'defenestration' icon, too, but that might be too much of a similar thing.
  18. I kind of like the idea of having a "Something Else" subforum. No, seriously: perhaps an "everything else" subforum. "Misc Gear" sounds a little too close to the already-existing "Audio Accessories". When I posted my suggestion, I meant more along the lines of "Miscellaneous Topics" in the Gear forum -- just a minor wording quibble. So if not "Miscellaenous", then my second choice "vote" would go to "synergy" only. Actually, in the case of the K1000 example, I was more interested in the Audio Analogue Enigma, since the K1000 is already well-discussed. Definitely a synergy question. If anything else, it could go under source or amp.
  19. Yeah, they constantly changed direction. Got a little bit more epic and synthpoppy -- think Apop B meets Covenant with Ahnold-austrian vocals. Check out Inferno or Daimonion. Welcome to Goodbye just came out last year, are you sure you're not thinking of their first/previous release, Truth is Fanatic (with the fantastic song "Merging Oceans")? If these are all too synthy for you, let me know. I can handle the truth.
  20. Work system: Sony CDP-CE525 (as transport) -> MSB Link DAC III (w/upsampling to 24/96 & HDCD options) -> Radii HAP-02 -> Beyer headphones (usually DT770, but I brought the DT990's and the DT831's to work with me today). Interconnects vary -- currently using some Straightwire blue somethings. Computer work system: stock soundcard -> Rat Shack Gold series mini-RCA adapter/interconnect -> Radii HAP-03 -> same headphones Home system (winter): Sony SCD-CE775 (as transport, and as SACD player) -> GW Labs DSP (upsampler) -> Muxical Fidelity X-24K DAC -> Wheatfield HA-02 -> different Beyer headphones. Interconnects vary, currently using some Silver Sound somethings. (summer): substitute the Wheatfield for the Singlepower Supra/SDS/somewhere-between-the-two Also use Cardas Neutral refs and Outlaw Audio PCA's. Just some regular old Hosa digital cables, and stock power cords. The only upgrade headphone cable I have are several different ones for my Senn HD600, which I rarely use (I have a distaste for most open headphones). Also have a Stax SRS-3010 (SR-202 + SRM-310) system lying around somewhere, and a Grado HP-2.
  21. Awesome! I spent a great deal of time in the late 90's listening to a lot of goth, industrial, and EBM. I was even in an EBM band (no-one you're likely to have heard of -- Black Chamber) as part of their live touring ensemble for a small bit. We're definitely going to have to trade recommendations. The new Android Lust is definitely different than her previous effort (I don't have the first album yet), I'm not sure it's a blank recommendation even for you -- try to hear it first. One that I'd recommend a little bit more quickly is the new Rotersand, Welcome to Goodbye -- they make it sound so effortless, you forget you're listening to such an excellent example of the genre. I also have been really digging into the Project Pitchfork lately. Especially the Nun trilogy.
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