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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Was: Leonard Bernstein: Rhapsody in Blue/An American in Paris -- new mastering https://tidal.com/browse/album/248996576 Is: Hilary Hahn, Eclipse https://tidal.com/browse/album/251357930 Will be: Alvvays, Blue Rev https://tidal.com/browse/album/247460408
  2. LOL, we used to watch that all the time as a family -- those are his brothers -- the Jimmy Carter looking one was named...uh...Jimmy? Thank you for putting that image in my head, I'mma gonna have to share that one with my sisters.
  3. Here here! I agree. An absolute masterpiece. Might I also recommend, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso | Orlando: Le Forme dell'Amore?
  4. New Haelos track (nice return to form): https://tidal.com/browse/track/247388928 New Snarky Puppy! https://tidal.com/browse/album/228999248 New Keith Jarrett! https://tidal.com/browse/album/250019473 And this track still slays me -- both guitar solos and the build on both the song and her vocals...just... I can't even... https://tidal.com/browse/track/69200944
  5. First of all, never boring talking about your favourite music and your English is fine. Secondly -- I agree with you about cathedrals or churches! I saw Árstíðir in a church (and I didn't burst into flame!), the acoustics were rich and lush and just delicious!
  6. Happy birthday, Jim! (party favour noise)
  7. New Nils Frahm -- Sounds for Animals 3+ hours of music, that all sound vaguely like sequels to "Says" that aren't meant to sound like sequels, so aren't. I'm in heaven!
  8. v10044g50000cci4dvbc77u70ve25n5g.mp4 Remember Be forewarned: I'm the guy who thinks the baby-burping machine is the height of hilarity.
  9. I love her so much. I used to sing along with her so much, I could probably cover Winter Kills, All Cried Out, This House (except I need to work on those high "oo-oo"'s) and...uh...I forget the fourth one. I have everything from Steal Me Blind through Where Hides Sleep memorized, is probably any of those. It's always 4 songs -- 4 by Black Sabbath, 4 by Blue Oyster Cult, 4 by Golden Earring...yeah yeah I know, my boomer is showing. 🤪
  10. The ones on the left look like finger peppers. I have no idea what the ones on the right are: https://www.pepperscale.com/round-peppers/ Also: noice! A man after my own heart. ALL THE PEPPERS! Gotta try 'em all...
  11. Afghan Whigs, How Do You Burn? -- freakin' excellent! Rawx! Now I need to go back and relisten to the last couple albums, don't think I've listened to anything by them since 1965.
  12. Currently: New Beth Orton EP Yesterday: new Toehider -- freakin' fantastic! Single track album. Proggers, give this a listen. Also, new Holy Fawn (Shoegaze/metal) -- been waiting for this forever, newest favourite band. Vocals are more buried than any human body has ever been before. They have multiple reverb pedals (one guitarist has two; another has three), so it's expansive beyond measure.
  13. It's for me, whatever group that is. Obviously, the groups are ...
  14. Yum. I wish I could taste it. What peppers did you use to make it spicy? And did you use lime juice?
  15. Okay, I'm a fan, now. The music is CRAZY good.
  16. I autosugged myself, again. Had a nice little interaction with the woman, herself, on Facebook, so now listening to what will probably be my favourite album of 2022 and favourite recent discovery, Yaya Kim, a.k.a Yaya It's a bizarre album considering it's essentially art-pop -- 3 full length albums worth of material, more or less: CD1 (Trip-hop, Rock, Funk, Soul, Pop) CD2 (Nu-tango rock, Jazz) CD3 (World music, Crossover, Classic, Avant-garde) She does everything herself, including the videos.
  17. Happy birthday! (party favour noise)
  18. Sorry to be so dark, but... That didn't take long, did it? She made Liz Truss Prime Minister just two days ago, and now she's dead? Sus. In all seriousness, RIP Queen Elizabeth II.
  19. I'm totally going to make a satire of his French press video...which is entirely true. I embrace parts of that video, and do the opposite of others. I don't spoon off shit, I stir like crazy, I use distilled (does not taste delicious...but does not taste like anything, honestly) water, &c. My tagline: embrace the sludge.
  20. I've become a big fan of Neal Morse in the last few years. I really dig his musicianship, and his 7-string guitar hero, Eric Gillette has turned into a bit of a hero of mine as well. Good thing I don't listen to lyrics much, though, good god... I have not. I "put up" with harsh vocals, with very few exceptions, but only when the music is so great. My criteria is similar to yours -- far too many of them are just too "one-note", and as a real musician, that just irks me. I find the exceptions hard to find, especially when I don't go seeking them out.
  21. Apparently she doesn't "force it", so won't destroy her voice by doing what she does. Kinda impressive, even if the end result is not necessarily my thing:
  22. I used to be (regularly got the flu during flu season, &c.), but in my case, I knew exactly what it was -- I took too many antibiotics as a child and adolescent (and post adolescent...), so now the flora is all but gone in my digestive tract. I now take probiotics every day first thing when I wake up on an empty stomach with ~1L of water*, so that they go as far down my digestive tract to the lower intestines as possible. I also take zinc every day (the most important ingredient in Cold-eeze). Neither one of these fight viruses and germs by themselves, but both help boost the body's natural immune system. I hardly get sick any more. I had those two scares a couple weeks back, but honestly those were the first in years. Also: sleep, water, exercise, sunlight, eating right. I don't do any of these things perfectly, but I have been getting better at most of them. Much better in the case of sleep -- I have conquered my self-caused sleep issues, and now wake up pretty much every day between 6:30 and 7 without an alarm clock. It's great: I can concentrate, remember stuff... I highly recommend taking better care of yourself as you get older. *Wegmans flavoured sparkling waters -- I did double check with my doctor, they are equivalent to water, including 0mg Sodium
  23. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that just described the whole series -- at least as far as I got. You might try Christopher Moore. There tends to be more plot...actually, now that I think about it...I haven't read him in a while. Good idea, I'll have to catch up on his books. I just autosugged myself.
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