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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Yeah, no lie, that makes sense. I was worried that a sear at the beginning might seal out the flavour, but doing it at the end makes a lot of sense, will give that a try. Thanks!
  2. Oh, okay, never mind. And thank you. (drool drool drool)
  3. I need a pulled pork barbecue slow cooker recipe that utilizes flavoured boutique balsamic vinegar and hot sauce ... and onions. I might have to make something up, because the boutique balsamic vinegars I have are some very specific flavours.
  4. Happy belated, Ice Marc! (party favour noise)
  5. Or my personal favourite: ...where the second half just devolves into this epic piano solo (Jools Holland!) followed by a tasty tasty ensemble instrumental section for the finish.
  6. Actually, yes. Dusty is less of a recluse, more of an extrovert, but has less to say. Peter is (Roger Daltrey singing) The Real Me! (John Entwistle bass)
  7. Yeah, I was going to ignore that forever give that a listen, myself.
  8. Thank you everyone! The thoughts and well-wishes are appreciated!
  9. It is correct, but if I were to draw a line between his most ambient works on one end and those first three albums on the other, with Nerve Net closer to the latter, then FOREVERANDEVERNOMORE is partway again between Nerve Net and the ambient works, maybe even much closer to the ambient works, but without the ...uh... stasis? stagnancy? of things like Thursday Afternoon. I think of his ambient works as the epitome of "music with all the evil taken out", and this is pastoral but with some evil still left tastefully in.
  10. They do look like they might be perfect little champagne saucers...uh...did I just say that out loud?
  11. Happy birthday! (party favour noise)
  12. 🤪🥰🤣 Harrow is a completely different book, I didn't like it at first, but ... it's like Dark City -- it's a mystery, even to the main character. And even once you unravel the mystery, it's still a mystery how everything will turn out. They even have...oop, sorry, I will say no more. tl;dr: DEFINITELY give it another shot, I loved Harrow.
  13. Scratch that, please feel free to discuss, I will block you both until I finish reading. (Nothing personal, just temporarily. I'm reading three books at the same time, so it's just going to take me longer. That said, I'm about halfway through.) I'm just feeling guilty about making such an ... entitled request. I will take it upon myself instead. @n_maher@en480c4
  14. Funny thing, George R. R. Martin didn't finish the series, either. Ack, no spoilers please, I'm still reading the first half. But yeah, thoroughly enjoying. As much as the first two.
  15. Thanks again YT algorithm friends with similar tastes in music, keep them coming.
  16. I enjoyed that album so much, I bought it. I agree, it's not holistic, but who cares? This is the music I absolutely worship. This is right up there with Sonicbloom-era Hiromi, in my book.
  17. Thanks -- I also looked on their website, and realized, I'm more of a thick-skinned / retains-shape beans guy, so ordered a couple different bags of blacks and the like. I will follow the directions for cooking -- they do look like more of a pre-soak long-term thing, so I will have to precook them before adding them to my goulash or chili, and maybe only cook them in-recipe for the last hour or so. And yeah, I've done that, and recently.
  18. So these are dry, but not dehydrated? You don't have to presoak them or anything?
  19. (wanders off to visit ranchogordo.com...)
  20. That's too bad, I thought it more than made up for my memory of the parts of seasons 2 and 3 that I had issues with. And the setup for the final season was perfect. Speaking of shows that push boundaries, have you ever watched Legion? I'm totally enthralled, but haven't finished yet, so no spoilers, please, but please feel free to gush about the style -- absolutely amazing.
  21. Have you watched Westworld Season 4 yet?
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