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Everything posted by bperboy

  1. This one here.. I got the boards at a reduced price (read: gratis), so that's what I've got to work with... It's the PSU from this CDP kit... unfortunately don't have those pcbs, otherwise I'd be working on a new source! I've got two of these boards.
  2. That's kind of a bummer, cause I think the power supply pcb I have is a somewhat complex design... oh well It's gonna be awhile before I can work on that anyway.. I've gotta get settled at school. I'm more likely to build one of those MiniMaxes that Tomb is getting worked up first! Those should be pretty nice.
  3. I had looked into the Aikido website a few weeks ago; methinks it deserves closer scrutiny. And not using shitty tubes.
  4. I finished packing up our van this morning.. gonna leave for school in a couple hours.. just have to take our dog to the kennel first.
  5. Hehe, ya I registered.. just never got around to posting... I've only been active here a few days, but it's much better than over there...
  6. Hahaha, greatest quote ever!! EDIT: That just made it on my favorite quotes page on facebook.
  7. Well, at least it would be memorable... too bad no one would be around to remember it In all actuality, the LHC is a fascinating scientific advancement, and I'd be interested to see if there are any major breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe. Of course, I probably wouldn't understand any of it
  8. I've acquired some parts that need to be put to use... don't know what project would be appropriate though. I've got 2 PCBs for an adjustable power supply that can put out a max output of 2A and a voltage of under 25V. I've also got some tube prototype boards with 2 9-pin sockets on each, like this: What I need is an idea of what I can do with these parts... something with 12au/x7 perhaps?
  9. Day before my birthday... hopefully it doesn't create some super black hole and suck the earth into itself... that'd suck for a b-day present..
  10. Happy birthday!! Thanks for introducing me to these great forums!
  11. Haha, and what's worse is that percentage probably also applies to the number of males on campus... :(
  12. Very nice! I used some of those with a 'scope last semester in a circuits class I took... very handy!
  13. It's an enormous outrage, a downright travesty... >
  14. for sure... maybe i'll give mr. millett a run for his money! ;)
  15. I'll be at Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech... I know for sure there is a 'fier there already, but if there's any casers at Rose, let me know for sure!
  16. haha, good shit, good shit.. bout the same advice i've been gettin from a bunch of my friends... what a responsible bunch we are.
  17. Started packing for my first year at college... haven't had the heart to pack up the headphone stuff yet...
  18. I just bought three Hershey's Cookies 'N Cream bars... mmm, white chocolate goodness!
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