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Everything posted by MoonShine

  1. Checked out Russian Circles, Red Sparowes, and My Sleeping Karma. Great stuff, thanks! Especially love MSK. Any stuff like this out there with good female vocals?
  2. Thanks! Didn't know they had a new one out!
  3. Thanks for this. Been wanting some music that kicks ass. I would like metal more if the vocals (shouting) didn't usually suck and since this is instrumental... Been realizing lately that my vast playlist is littered with way too much wimpy crap. Time to do some weeding and get back to basics.
  4. I was a bit late to the party so I am going back and watching them all from the start. Good times.
  5. MoonShine

    Stargate Universe

    Anyone else digging on this? I am NOT a fan of all the other Stagate incarnations but I am really liking this one. Robert Carlyle is pretty good in it.
  6. FAIL: From today's ABiP page.
  7. I have Star Walk on my iPhone. It's way cool, totally rocks.
  8. Ok so I downloaded and installed a 3rd party program to sync the library and it worked great. I know that there are a bunch of Apple FB's around here but I think the fact that I even had to do that is completely lame.
  9. iTunes question: I hooked up my portable hard drive to load some music onto my iPhone. Now all those songs are still in my iTunes library with an ! next to them. About 150GB worth. Any way to automatically refresh the library? Can't iTunes monitor my chosen music folder and update it as things are added/moved/deleted? This seems like a pretty basic function (my Zune software does this really well). Or am I just daft? Love my iPhone. iTunes? .... not so much.
  10. Go Blazers (LOL). Oregonian so I gotta go Blazers but I have also been a Celtics fan since the Bird days. Either way I hate the Lakers and I don't like LeBron either so if it comes down to Kobe vs Lebron I doubt I will even watch.
  11. Coming up fine here. On my PC, cough cough.
  12. I'm w/ Dusty. This whole thing has been extremely amusing. Especially the reactions of the fanboy army. Steve Jobs could stroll up and poke his eye out and the fanboy would author a post as to how it was completely reasonable given the circumstances. Then he would happily buy his eye back from him. I wonder how different the reactions would be if it was Microsoft that had been Gizmodo'd thusly. The naming of the poor sap will likely be what keeps his job for him. Would be bad PR to fire him now. And like they would not have found out anyway.
  13. Ah yes, must get this. Love Natalie. Seriously. Love her. She would be totally creeped out if she knew how I ...... nevermind.
  14. If that thing has a decent battery life I will be all over it. Unlikely w/ an Intel chip though.
  15. Perhaps he was referring to the screen protector for his condom analogy.
  16. Is this a good deal? Patriot Box Office
  17. My old ones got destroyed so bought a new pair. Put on some Shure Olives and I'm good 2 go. So comfortable, can't even tell they are there. My Zune 120 fits perfectly in the case as well. Pretty good deal on eBay for $99
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