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Everything posted by ironbut

  1. In the future, when anything seems out of whack, take a look at the mixer. If anything is yellow, it means there is an issue. Usually it just means that you should reboot the Mio or the computer, but sometimes a software number at the top of the Inspector panel will be yellow and needs to be updated/reinstalled. Let us know how you like the changes in the sound. The new board has a new clocking system. My LIO-8 is more transparent IMHO.
  2. You might need to set the number of channels via USB in the 3D Console. If you right click on the image of the interface in the upper left corner of the mixer (that strip is called the inspector) you'll see the dialog for setting the number of channels.
  3. Did you try and install the Mac pb9? https://mhsecure.com/3d_public_beta/
  4. Happy Birthday to my fav Caser! Have a great day!
  5. That is some serious cash! Can't say I've ever seen Goldmund's top end stuff in a non-demo environment much less shoved to the back of the bus.
  6. Very cool! Here's a video from one of my fav YTer's exploring the Field Kit.
  7. I don't need a 7.1 MacPro! I don't need a 7.1 MacPro! I don't...
  8. I started using a restoration software suite called iZotope Rx to edit audio about 10 years ago. It was a real boom since it was so much cheaper than Cedar which had been the standard up till then. The first few years I hacked the crap out of a lot of poor defenseless recordings but eventually I learned that just because you can, it doesn't mean you should! In the end, it's all about serving the music.
  9. There have been great improvements with audio repair tools and they are applied as new releases are distributed. Recent releases of older recording such as the latest Mercury Living Presence are a great example of them. https://www.plangentprocesses.com/ For recording of historical importance, there is always the question of how far changes should be taken. For the archiving and re-release of 78 lp's, there are different levels of restoration that fans choose depending on what they believe is appropriate.
  10. Bad news for vinyl. Pasted from Analog Planet,.. Sadly this is not April 1st, and this is not a joke. The Banning CA facility housing Apollo/Transco lacquer manufacturing burned today and is apparently a total loss. More than 80 firefighters fought the dangerous chemical-laden fire. I haven't had a chance to get into the story details but hopefully no one was seriously injured in the blaze. This leaves but one lacquer producer in the world: Japan-based MDC. Whether or not Apollo/Transco plans on rebuilding or whether California with its stringent environmental protection laws will even allow it, remains to be seen. It's not going to be easy even if Apollo/Transco plans on rebuilding because there's no "off the shelf solution and will take quite a bit of time in any case. That leaves DMM for those who aren't MDC customers. That company fielded calls from around the world telling anxious potential customers that it was not able to take on any new business.
  11. RIP Kirk. Lots of great memories (drove my parents crazy imitating that horn from the Vikings).
  12. RIP Barrie Gilbert. And thanks again for pointing out more fascinating tech Craig. I always wondered what was up with Beaverton Or and test gear.
  13. KQED tv in the SF Bay Area is showing it on Feb 25th. "The Birth Of the Cool" is part of the American Masters series here in the states. Can't wait!!!!!! https://video.kqed.org/video/miles-davis-full-trailer-7g0kyq/ The promo is interesting. Seeing the clip of Santana reminded me that I ran into Carlos in the audience of Miles' last concert in the Bay Area (Paul Mason Winery). The first time I saw Carlos Santana at a concert ( as an audience member) was when Leonard Bernstein and the NYP played at Concord Pavilion.
  14. I'm still on mojave. (I have about $500 worth of upgrades I need to purchase to be all 64 bit). I know a lot of folks who have updated to Catalina and there hasn't been any issues for them that I've heard of. If you check with something like Go64 and the apps you use are ready (or you can easily upgrade), I don't see why you should be worried. https://www.stclairsoft.com/Go64/ Just be sure and backup your entire system before upgrading. If you hate it, you can always erase your drive and clone your backup back onto your mac.
  15. Mike Crehore made a series (6 plus an intro) of tutorials for using the 3D console and put them up on YouTube.
  16. California doesn't have a patent on real estate disasters,..
  17. Salton Sea history from an awesome series highlighting So. California.
  18. Congrats on the commerce Mikey! Voltron's right! I need a bib just to look at the pictures.
  19. Terrible and shocking news! RIP Kobe
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