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Everything posted by wink

  1. How about Quasi Complementary Symmetry? All the same topology, N-channel or P-channel.
  2. someone build it and let me know how well it works. . You know you want to build one................... Perhaps nattonrice might fall for it..!!
  3. Fully differential fully complementary symmetry amps are the best. Unfortunately not possible in electrostatic amps unless you want to do serious transistor stacking. . Something for the future....??
  4. Is the BOM for this amp pretty much set in concrete, or are there envisaged changes to parts in the works?
  5. Sacres cows to the golden eared brigade.
  6. Spritzer posted:- I can't imagine going back to unwieldy commercial cables. I can wrap my cables around two fingers and they weigh next to nothing. . I can wrap my cables around my neck - and as long as I don't pull on the ends, I'm OK.
  7. I owned a pair of AD2000's They were great for female vocals, but had no top end whatsoever. They ended up as a give-away at a headphone meet.
  8. Yep, that's them - Future Electronics.. IXCP10M90S @ US2.20c each back in June.
  9. There is one problem for those outside tie US with Mouser. They do not supply ixys sand. So, unless a group buy by someone in the US happens, we outsiders will have to source the components from elsewhere.
  10. Crappyjones123:- Originally Posted by Sherwood CJ, I nominate you for team "source absolutely dead fucking last". Originally Posted by HighLife AND STOP BEING LIKE A ASIAN GOLD FARMER IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT....they dont play, all they do is buy-sell-buy-sell-buy-sell.... Never mind the detractors, there are two principles in life to keep in mind............... 1/ Nothing (nobody) is ever a complete failure - they can always serve as a bad example. 2/ It may well be that your sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.
  11. Oops dunno how I missed that. . Too early in the day here in Aus.
  12. Put me down for 2 sets of boards, and 2 kits of parts.
  13. Seems like supply issue is resolved...
  14. I found that they have problems with not supplying the goods after payment.
  15. High Quality Audio & Industrial Attenuators any comments...?
  16. kevin gilmore posted:- you gotta love engrish translations... . That's classical Japlish......
  17. Everything is "moar bettah" when it's at the expense of quality. That's why we have Bose headphones and cheap opamp amps.
  18. Got my KGSS boards populated except for the 180k 5 watt resistors which are in the mail. Got the trannies fro SumR on Thurday. Will hopefully get the casing in the next week. :)

  19. I really appreciate all your help, fellas. farnell MCPRW0AWJP184B00 is 10W will it fit in the footprint on the PCB? KOA Speer resistor are 2W rating. Parts Connexion OK.
  20. partsconnexion "kiwame" for the lazy any major parts distributor for less lazy Farnell, RS Components and a few others don't go near the resistance value at 5 watts.
  21. Where's a good source for the 180 kOhm 5 Watt resistor?
  22. bluestar-online.com 2SK389BL Our Price: $12.99 N-Channel Mosfet K389
  23. I gather that on the amp board that the two circles marked with a + sign next to the 499k resistors are LEDs, and also that the RLED is provision for a ballast resistor for an external LED. Also, where can we get stax sockets worthy of this project?
  24. Jaycar sells this. CAT. NO. YG2782 RRP $19.95 CLICK TO ENLARGE Spider Coupler Set Connects to a motor to a shaft that may be slightly misaligned or under length. You may also need a torsional shock absorbing coupling which this does as well. - Each hub will accept a 6.35mm (1/4") shaft with set screws anchor. - The hubs are coupled by a synthetic rubber spider. - 20mm OD x 30mm long QTY 1+ $19.95 5+ $17.70 10+ $15.70 Enter Quantity
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