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Everything posted by Edwood

  1. Edwood

    Canjam 2010.

    Thanks, guys. Easier this time around because learned from mistakes from last year.
  2. Edwood

    Canjam 2010.

    That was just a teaser image for the Chicago folks. Much like the photoshop job I did on the strip club pic that Iron_Dreamer took last year. BTW, they demolished that strip club. It's completely gone. LOL. I guess Tyll tainted that place permanently.
  3. Edwood

    Canjam 2010.

    Want a sneak peak at the shitty shirts this year? Front Back Will using the same T-Shirt printing place as last year. BTW, if you look carefully you'll see a Head-Case reference in the artwork somewhere. -Ed
  4. FYI, JH Audio has the fancy printer that prints directly on the ear pieces now. So should greatly improve the precision of the custom artwork.
  5. So, the preorders for the Pico Slim should be starting soon. Can someone tell Justin to check his email? -Ed
  6. I guess I'll have to put my weight loss plans on hold until there's news of the JH13's true successor.
  7. Yes. I'm sure there will be another custom IEM that I'll get that will replace the JH13's within 10 years.
  8. Been breaking/burning mine in. It's at about 100hours right now. Checking on it periodically. It's definitely less edgy/harsh in the highs. Low bass has improved a bit too. Pretty much the same experience I had with the Beta test version I had for a couple of months.
  9. Well, parts of it. I wouldn't be surprised. WinMo 6.5 has some UI design elements that looks a lot like the Zune HD's.
  10. Edwood

    Top Gear

    This last season is supposed to be in HD. Hope it looks as good as the Polar special.
  11. Should be getting mine tomorrow. I'm spoiled too, but I wanted a pair of durable cans to use as "guest" headphones at home. Can't really let others use my JH13's, and the R10's aren't good for the Smyth Realiser system.
  12. I just got a Sprint Touch Pro 2. Really love it so far. It even has a 3.5mm headphone jack. But the audio quality fucking sucks monkey nuts. It has so much interference and noise, I'd only use it to privately listen to voicemail or YouTube videos. Microsoft needs to integrate some Zune HD hardware into some Pocket PC phones, pronto. But it's no big deal for me. I have a HifiMan HM-801 for tunes.
  13. Took me awhile to get used to the feel of customs filling part of the outer ear (especially since I wear glasses). It's still way more comfortable to wear universals as far as the outer ear is concerned since most do not touch any part, but the inner ear has always had discomfort or ached with universals. With customs, they feel fine. Another bonus with IEM's is hot weather use. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my R10's again with the weather cooling off, but fuck no. Has to be 90+ Degrees this weekend. :facepalm:
  14. I'd like something that would have better synergy (and better volume adjustment range, i.e. less gain) with the JH13's.
  15. Didn't you hear that NikonGod is going to pose?
  16. Regarding my previous "lean bass" comment. It's pretty much the built in amp's fault. Trying it now it's line out to my Pico and also with my Grace m902 and all da bass is dere. Still nice and tight, which is how I like it. We need to get Justin in on building an amp board for the HM-801. Shall we start a list? (yeah yeah, the list of actual people owning an HM-801 is quite small now). I'm for sure interested. Or maybe a DIY effort for a better amp board? -Ed
  17. Just got my replacement HM-801. It still has the high frequency issue(very quiet high pitched 16KHz "Eeeee" noise when touching buttons), unfortunately. But it seems to be quieter and mostly on the left side. I can hear it with built in amp, and with my Pico through it's line out. But I don't hear it at all with a Line out to my Grace m902 unbalanced input. This is when using my JH13's which I can hear this noise clearly. It's much more difficult to hear with my other headphones like my ES3X. I'll test them with my R10's later, and the Shure SRH840 which I'm getting next week, and a loaner HifiMan RE252 I'm getting later as well. Another unfortunate part is the build quality. While there was little to no sacrifice with regards to the internal parts, the outside is not quite the case. Both HM-801's I had had dirty and messed up LCD's (under the outer glass cover). The previous one had scratches and dust. The current one has a fingerprint there. Also a weird blotchiness under the glass. Granted none of these are visible when the LCD is on, but it's still annoying to see under light. Otherwise, I really missed having the HM-801 it sounds so great. -Ed
  18. Fuck nuts. Fang can't send a demo unit to me because it's going to be hogged for that Head-Fi magazine? Does there really need to be a Head-Fi magazine?
  19. Was thinking of getting a M2tech Hiface, will be more convenient to be able to use it with every laptop and portable computer I have, rather than being stuck with a single desktop PC with my RME HDSP 9632. But If the RME is still better, so be it. We'll see.
  20. I talked to Fang and am probably going to have the demo HE-5 shipped to me in the last week of October. Halloween Mini-Meet in Los Angeles, anyone? -Ed
  21. Tin foil hat. cough .... R ..... I ..... A ..... A............. ... M ..... P ..... A ..... A....................
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