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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. What I have used in the past is a spray lacquer. It stops them from flying to sting you and the lacquer clogs their spiracles and thorax causing them to eventually suffocate.
  2. Only burn them with fire if you have a high preassure garden hose ready just in case.
  3. Watched off and on for the past week the Milan World Fencing championships. HK team co-coached by our friend, took silver. Of note two of the four in the team competition attended a BBQ at our house with both coaches a few years back after training with Lance and his club prior to a Cup competition out here. International incidents were avoided as no rattlesnakes or coyotes dared to make an appearance.
  4. Happy Birthday Antonio!
  5. Oldly enough, I say the same for the IRS.
  6. I will be right over. Open the wine, and let it breath while I and parachuting in please.
  7. Thank you all for your kind wishes and yes I may have a glass or two to celebrate.
  8. Too easy, too quick makes me suspicious. In an environment of misinformation and subterfuge with Russia consistently at the source, I question everything is at it seems.
  9. Happy birthday Justin! I am so forgetful, I thought I already wished you a happy birthday earlier.
  10. Belarus shmelarus...I blame Brent and wine for this.
  11. Are we possibly missing something here? Wagner and the Russian army for the moment seems to have all of a sudden made nice nice regarding the supposed "coup". Wagner/Prigozhin has moved 25K+ men into southern Belarus where coincidently there have been 33K+ Russian soldiers recently redeployed there as well. Both groups seem to be located in southern Belarus which happens to be north of Kyiv Ukraine's capital. Timely move for the Russians given Ukraine's counter offensive in the south of Ukraine where resources are concentrated.
  12. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day.
  13. I have all those in the fridge right now so when I finish the wine I will try to copy your picture.
  14. Hey, that is my territory! I own the HC snake thread.
  15. Happy Birthday! "We blame Brent"
  16. Well there is such a thing known as "parole".
  17. Near my old stomping grounds. I lived about a mile from there.
  18. I gave up hand grinding once I got married.
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