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Everything posted by Aura

  1. Weird ass double post... The Black Dahlia Murder - Nocturnal followed by As I Lay Dying - Decas
  2. Agreed, Caps are a clear President's Trophy favorite. It took a few months but the hawks are rounding into form with consistency across all 4 lines. Patrick Kane is still playing out of his mind. The gap between #1 and #2 is the Central is very quickly diminishing.
  3. I don't post in here hardly at all but this is a sentimental loss. Mike Sr really helped me understand how unique, gifted, and meaningful Bowie was and I'm both grateful and saddened. RIP Bowie.
  4. Love that one, Shelly. Warpaint - No Way Out/I'll Start Believing (EP)
  5. Mudvayne - The End of All Things to Come
  6. Amon Amarth - Versus the World \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/
  7. Completely missed this one... apologies Sir Ric, hope you had a great day!
  8. Happy birthday, Jacob!
  9. I just ordered new winter boots. My old pair was beyond shitty and I had forgotten until my feet were soaked this afternoon walking the dog for a whole three minutes. We're not driving any goddamn place the next 36 hours.
  10. Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus
  11. ...But Nothing Is Lost is one of those albums I revisit maybe once a year and forget how surprisingly good it is.
  12. Björk - Vulnicura. I must admit I always thought she was too weird for her own good but this album is pretty fascinating and requires additional spins streams.
  13. Well it's been an interesting first quarter of the year... Hawks are consistently inconsistent and that is no surprise given all the new (and mostly young) faces brought in. But Panarin is sensational, Trevor van Riemsdyk appears to be a legitimate top 4 defenseman, and Teräväinen is coming back to his playoff form from last year. Anisimov makes a massive difference for the second line, obviously for Kane... Speaking of the vets, Kane basically saves us offensively every other game. There have been nights where 8-9 of the forwards are incapable of doing anything well and Kaner makes a few plays (with the help of Panarin and Anisimov) to keep the hawks in the game. Toews has sucked production-wise. He needs to find some motivation. Hossa looked like crap at first but the last 2-3 weeks regained energy. Keith has been excellent, maybe a tad slow but he did have surgery not long ago. Hammer looks okay, Seabrook has picked up some slack from him and is earning the new contract. And the fourth liners are finally showing life - Kruger in particular. And that means a lot because we depend on his play much more than I'd expect for a 4th line center... The rest of the league? The Pacific division <mostly> sucks, the Central is quite scary, the Capitals are for real (yep Dan), and the Habs are annoying. But what else is new. I'll just leave this no-look top shelfer here. https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CVwPoZUWUAAxrsM.mp4
  14. keepin it real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS-ErOKpO4E
  15. Architecture in Helsinki - Moment Bends
  16. Aura


    Thanks Nate! Never ordered from them before, their prices are better than I expected and the $5 helps :). Went with Bali, Colombia, and Sumatra.
  17. In for 5 bottles. Yes, I think this one is that good.
  18. Oh don't you fret, biscuit boy. I'm working on clearing room....
  19. I shudder at the thought of a safety razor down there...
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