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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Thanks guys. I will check the conductivity and then use them.
  2. There is an option to have the cable terminated as 4pin XLR or 1/4”. I chose the XLR but why do that if not balanced?
  3. I just got my MrSpeakers Aeon headphones yesterday. I ordered them with an XLR termination on the cable terminated assuming this meant I could use them with the balanced/XLR output on the GS-X. Then I opened the box and saw it said the headphone was a “single-ended planar magnetic headphone.” I’m confused. Is it fine to use with a balanced output? Is there any benefit? I can order the cable with a SE termination which would be better for portable use anyway.
  4. Thanks guys! I had a great birthday with Yumi and other friends. Started with brunch, then golf, and finished with bubbles, wine, and a trip to a new steakhouse here. Will be back in the Bay Area at the end of June!
  5. Liking the HomePod so far. Its a great kitchen island speaker.
  6. Just ordered a HomePod. Interested to see how it compares to the KEF Muo.
  7. Egberto Gismonti - Solo. Love this album.
  8. Filed my 2017 taxes and remember that I really screwed myself by forgetting to pay my property taxes until January of 2018. This is especially bad since they change the 2018 so that you are limited to deducting $10K on your taxes (and my 2018 property taxes are already going to be around $18K). FML.
  9. Made an appt with one of the audiologists recommended by JH Audio. http://www.allisonaudiology.com/ What is Talent relations?
  10. Hey guys, planning to get the Roxanne. I got my JH13 like 8-9 years ago I guess. Not sure if they have my impressions on file still but even if they do, should I get another set of impressions made? I assume your ears change over time. For reference (at least when I got them), the left ear piece fit me perfectly. The piece inside the ear canal was slightly too long but not too irritable. Also, I have pretty small ears, do you think there might be a problem fitting the Roxanne drivers in mine?
  11. Happy birthday Al! Sorry, no beard pic.
  12. Happy birthday Nate!
  13. I would buy one if I hadn’t spent so much money on house shit and gym stuff last year. Still tempted.
  14. Whole city (and University) was shut down because of freezing rain - this is the coldest/wettest weather I’ve experience in my 17 years in Houston. We had a job candidate here that I was in charge of. I managed to find a way for the interviews to happen and a place to eat lunch and dinner but it wasn’t easy. It was like a ghost town (which is better than every out driving around and getting into accidents).
  15. Delicious filet mignon pho. Only way to make it through the cold.
  16. Thanks. I haven't seen any crazy sales. Can you point me to one?
  17. OK, the 16s are out. What about Roxanne?
  18. I left my JH13s at the airport in Frankfurt. Which pair of customs should I get: JH13v2 pro, JH16v2 pro, Roxanne?
  19. Happy holiday to all my HC friends! I miss all of you guys.
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