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Everything posted by HiWire

  1. Looks like it will be very powerful (it's definitely very expensive). I'm glad they designed it with fewer thermal and power constraints. I hope they are working on making Metal more efficient, as there is still a bit of a performance gap between similar applications running DirectX vs. Metal (it would be a shame to run Windows 10 on this box). They will probably jump to PCIe 4.0 (or 5) as soon as possible... I'm wondering if Intel's Optane will work in the new Mac Pro. The lack of Nvidia support means they are going to lean hard on AMD to execute on Navi's performance potential in the short term.
  2. You'd think men would have figured out the beauty industry drives women crazy and learn from their example – it amplifies, reinforces, and preys on their insecurities. Nearly finished this one: Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens
  3. Natalie Prass – The Future and the Past Richard Thompson – Rumor and Sigh
  4. That is depressing. Are people really that stupid or that superficial?
  5. I don't think I got to read many of the Lone Wolf books. I do remember that they looked like this (distribution probably wasn't as wide in my home town's bookstores) – very English-looking: I took a quick look on Amazon and it doesn't look like Knut Nærum's books have been translated into English yet. I'd love to check them out when they are released into the English-language markets. I Am Pilgrim sounds like fun and it did make the New York Times bestseller list – all those people can't be wrong. Most of the young people I know don't have much respect for books – they're just an obsolete data storage medium to them (especially people in non-humanities studies). I can understand the academics' point of view (the fish-gutting line was particularly apt), but books are also where data becomes meaningful information. Words and ideas require structure and development and the newer methods of infographics, information science, etc. have only proven superior in specific instances.
  6. Re: modern sports cars – I love the Time Attack Viper (manual only):
  7. Anyone else spend a lot of their childhood reading gamebooks (Choose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy, Be An Interplanetary Spy, Time Machine, etc.)? I've been looking for this series for years and I finally found it: https://archive.org/details/Star_Challenge_1_Planets_in_Peril/page/n1
  8. The Grave's a Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley Just starting the ninth book in the Flavia de Luce mystery series. Each one has been a riot of cleverness, humor, and deadly murder in the 1950s English countryside and they are some of my favorite books. There are a lot of references to classic literature as well as music (organ music in particular), but the best part of the books (other than the ridiculous characters and situations) is the 11-year-old protagonist's fascination with chemistry... especially poison.
  9. The Police – Ghost in the Machine Wikipedia: " The cover art for Ghost in the Machine features a seven-segment display-inspired graphic that depicts the heads of the three band members, each with a distinctive hair style (from left to right, Andy Summers, Sting with spiky hair, and Stewart Copeland with a fringe); the band was unable to decide on a photograph to use for the cover. Wire bonds can be seen on the original issue vinyl album cover, suggesting perhaps that the display is a photographic collage. The album's cover is ranked at No. 45 in VH1's 50 Greatest Album Covers. The graphic was designed by Mick Haggerty." Me: Stares at album cover for a while – "Ok, that's kind of clever. And also brilliantly cheap. Why can't I have ideas like this?" and "What an incredible album. The haters can suck it."
  10. Yes, I find the dungeons and battles repetitive too. I don't know if "grind" is built into the JRPG psyche – a lot of the other activities are similar (building your stats by exercising, reading books, increasing "guts", etc.) – their commitment to consistent self-improvement is admirable, but it pads the game unnecessarily. I haven't finished Persona 4, which I started years ago on the PlayStation 2. I looked into the OVA animation (there were two anime series based on Persona 4) yesterday, but I lost interest when I found out they changed some of the voice actors. I'd rather go back and finish the game instead of passively watching the shows. It turns out you can get the soundtracks on CD so I might look into those.
  11. I just started playing Persona 5 and it is incredible. You don't get a lot of games with this level of style, deep storytelling, and variety. Persona 4 also had a killer soundtrack and I'd say this is one of the best reasons to get a Playstation. The only weakness of the games is their linear design and the slight repetition of the battles. In a way, I think the Persona games tell you more about modern Japan than Sega's Yakuza games (which are also legendary).
  12. Sky – Piece of Paradise A flawlessly brilliant album of soul-pop. A few of you may remember their singles from the late 90s-2000 period. Sadly, I just found out that their ex-lead singer, James Renald, passed away last year.
  13. Chromeo – Un Joli Mix Pour Toi Saint Etienne – Tiger Bay
  14. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace:
  15. A new tv show from Cinemax, set in 19th-century San Francisco, premiering April 5: More info here: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/03/fists-of-fury-warrior-channels-fierce-fighting-spirit-of-bruce-lee/ Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrior_(TV_series)
  16. Red Oaks – hilarious so far. An old-school sex comedy set in a 1980s New Jersey country club. An Amazon series – I hate these digital exclusive restrictions.
  17. Goldfrapp – Black Cherry This album never gets old for me – listened to it three times in a row (trying to sort out battery issues on my portable CD player)
  18. Phonogram: Rue Britannia by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie (I was reading The Wicked + The Divine last week but I wanted to go backwards for a bit... the trade paperback releases take a while, so I usually forgot what happened in the previous issues) Lots of Britpop references – time to catch up, starting with Pulp and Kenickie
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