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screaming oranges

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Everything posted by screaming oranges

  1. Look, even 909's smiley is suffering from eye fatigue.
  2. 'Is My Baby Weird?' - 1 - Family & Parenting - Your Life - MSN Lifestyle
  3. So let me get this straight: people want to metalize the HF-1 and woody the HF-2. Is no one ever content?
  4. We got stocks on headphones now? My kind of territory... Does this mean the price of the HF-1 has risen to what it was before, then?
  5. I sold my MS2i a couple of days ago. I find the HF-2 less fatiguing than the MS2i. If I had to choose between the two, I'd go HF-2. Which is what I did, come to think of it.
  6. It's been awhile, SoFla meet? - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  7. Yes. That settles it. Everyone leave it alone. There are things not meant for man to tamper with. Mercury poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I am glad this has been settled. The last amp of mercury... ...is in captivity. The galaxy ... ...is at peace.
  8. Oh no no no no. Don't start this now. I had just finished convincing myself that a BHSE AND a Balancing Act is my end-all. Please post that the information will be released in 2012 or something. And that only shitty-looking enclosures can accommodate the guts. Thanks. I graciously and gratefully await your reaffirmation.
  9. Well, yes, but if everything is balanced from start to finish in the chain, might as well have balanced headphones too. But I'm just being picky now.
  10. Aesthetically speaking, the original P1 is 4x better... Seriously though, the P1 does "look" better. Even the color scheme. However, I'd have upgraded to a P1u IF IT HAD BALANCED OUTPUTS. How did that one slip by them again?
  11. 4x quieter? I don't hear any noise in mine at all. What is 4x zero... Hmmm, maybe I should try it in the middle of the night, when it is dead quiet, to see if i hear anything. Not that I'd sell it anyway. I like my P-1. P1u... I guess the "u" means ultimate in this case, going by the claims of performance.
  12. Free monitors and I will forgive them.
  13. I thought you were exaggerating a bit, but I just read it myself.
  14. They got traded for some woodied recabled phones, no doubt. Also, that pic is screaming for photoshopped cans on them.
  15. I know there is another BA batch starting up end August, but is the ZDT closed forever? No more batches?
  16. Maybe it only works to quote dumb people? EDIT: I just set myself up, didn't I? =/
  17. Dusty, I will rent you some Russian tubes. Problem solved!
  18. Same reason why I don't upgrade cables on my headphones. I just sell the headphones, get some funds, throw in the money I'd have spent on upgrading cables, and I'm up a tier. However, like you said, once you reach the top, that's it. And that's the case with the WES. I wish I hadn't revisited this thread. Now I want one again.
  19. "Oil impregnated" teehee On a serious note, I figured that Woo would introduce all these upgrades at various levels. And I hate so many upgrade options, because it always leave me wondering what the next level sounds like... I like the BHSE in the sense of "here it is, take it or leave, it, what color you want, fool..." I like people making decisions for me when it comes to amps, I guess. I'd still like to hear a WES though, obviously. Another factor I had to take into account was the fact that I live in Hell, and the heat is unbearable sometimes, so the less tubes putting out heat the better. This means that, were there an absolute equivalent to the BHSE that was completely SS, I'd have gone for that instead. But I'd still like a WES... so damn sexy. Choices choices
  20. Sennheido. AKGrado Ultragradone JH Graudio
  21. Never wrong time of day (in this case, night) to eat this:
  22. If these fall in the same lien as the iGrado line, they might be known as the J/K-13 I think this is the first time I am not interested in a Grado product. Was this even mentioned or remotely hinted at in CanJam? I find it strange that this is the first I hear of it.
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