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screaming oranges

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Everything posted by screaming oranges

  1. After a rather heavy week at work, I woke up exactly at noon.
  2. Since Mike's Luxman is on it's way to Hawaii, I'll bring my P1 to the meet.
  3. But even your own sig offends you...
  4. ...provided he reads his PM box, that is (else I will be declared Winrar by default due to forfeit).
  5. Best I have heard the HD800 from different combinations in my gear is: Aero DAC -> balanced cables -> Luxman P1 -> HD800. I find no fatigue at all with this combo. Not the least bit. The soundstage is incredible. While I have gotten a good sense of soundstage before with other headphones/gear, with this combo, me, the noob ears, immediately thought "so this is soundstage!". Immense. Almost surround-sound like. However, I still haven't tube-rolled on the M24 DAC, and I forgot to test the BelCanto feeding balanced into the Luxman. But I will do that next week when I get more balanced cables. Take what I said with a grain of salt, as you should factor in some new Aero DAC love in there, which might bias my opinion a bit.
  6. The HD800 seem to benefit from a balanced P1 connection. This might just be new HD800 love though, so I will have to do some more tests. I will be lending my balanced cables to Mike with the Aero DAC, but have already placed an order for another set which I should get soon (I need another set anyway).
  7. Well, if Mike's stomach has an aversion to such things, I guess that will work too. Anyhow, showdown today at 3:30pm. I decided to go DIY on a gun. We'll see what happens.
  8. By herbal refreshments you mean like mint leaves, right?
  9. They will kill it at the end, aren't they...
  10. Mike, I sent you a pm regarding today. It's important.
  11. I wouldn't mind listening to some speakers. Is it a must to have pre-amps for a speaker rig?
  12. Haha, my colleague's radio was playing "It's my party and I will cry if I want to, cry if I want to..." while I read Mike's post.
  13. Congratulation. (You'll get the other one when the day is over)
  14. Maybe Mike just needs some encouragement: If Mike succeeds, I will definitely sell him the Aero DAC plus $50 discount, if not, he needs to replace my amp/have it fixed. ...wait, this might be a bad idea.
  15. Correct, it is still functional. I just wanted to open it because there is something that fell inside and is rattling at the bottom. I wanted to remove it but gave up on the hex screws from hell. The only option is to drill the screws out now, but I just never got around to it.
  16. In a week of celebrity deaths, Billy Mays was the everyday man who achieved recognition in his own special way. Regardless of whether you liked him or not, you knew who he was. He was an icon. Unlike the celebrities who have passed away recently, the saddest thing is that Billy Mays was "at the top of his game" still. Bye, Billy.
  17. I'll refrain from bringing my own ESW10 then. The less I have to carry, the better. As for the amp, it is 100V, so it works out. Thanks! AS FOR FOOD: I don't know what is planned? Are we all going out to eat, ordering? The Super Target near where I live sells Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. Damn good cheesecake... hint hint. RAFFY: what happened to your extreme? I happen to have two: the platinum and the standard. I haven't used the standard Extreme because I tried to remove the hex screws and they got stuck and I just gave up on the thing, decided to keep it for spare parts in case the Platinum needs fixing sometime.
  18. Headphones: HD800 O2 Mk1 Grado HP1000 (polarity switches) ESW10JPN Amp: Stax SR007ta (japan voltage =( unfortunately) Luxman P1 ONLY if Tyrion's is sold by then Other items that will already be at Mike's place before meet: Aero Dac Phonomena II If there is anything else anyone wants to hear that I own, check my profile and let me know.
  19. Should we start listing what gear we are bringing, so as to avoid duplicates? Also, I'd appreciate it if anyone with ANY amp that can drive an O2 takes it, since I want to hear options. On same topic, don't know if any of you can DIY, and I'd appreciate help in rewiring a STAX 007ta amp to US voltage (I will pay for services of course).
  20. Just wanted to clarify that this thread was not meant to be taken seriously in any way, simply having some fun with Mike. Maybe something was lost in the internet translation..
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