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Everything posted by Nanoha

  1. Congrats on the acquisition. Looks good too.
  2. The DAC-AH isn't as good as you guys claim it to be though. As a DAC for the price, I guess it may be okay. But there are a few vintage CDPs that cost about as much or less and beat it hands-down imho.
  3. I love how I bought my Sig Pro for x12 of your Sig and Lambda Sig for x7 of your Lambda Sig.
  4. I thought he had the Duevel Bella Luna Diamante before. Does he still have that there?
  5. House (in the TV show) has a Sota turntable. The needle guard was still on.
  6. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wanker Definition 5 is most appropriate in this situation.
  7. Hmmm, do you have suggestions on what would be the best way to mail items to European countries such as Germany? (What to mark them as; service to use)
  8. The VTG/JPN/L3K don't sound at all like any of the other Ws either. The AD2k is also very different from the other ADs or As.
  9. I unfortunately don't think the SR-X MKIII would be the optimal choice simply due to its poor comfort in my opinion.
  10. "Sorry about your thin skin" is the welcome motto here. Don't take it to heart. Welcome to Head-Case.
  11. I remember the Stereophile review where they said the Rudistor amps were along the lines of 'DIY quality'. It's especially funny given the reputation Stereophile has as a source (often criticized for over-praising/hyping).
  12. I have not demoed any Rudistor other than the "portable" one and the RP5.1 (the tube one). They were not impressive in my opinion. I've talked to Spritzer and a few others about the internals; not too good there. The "POS amps" line was a joke in response to what Spritzer said; to me, they're just mediocre (my first post). But from what people keep trying to tell me, they're worse than mediocre.
  13. That is a very interesting observation. Indeed, I remember during this last experience, the pads did not completely surround my ears and touch my head (therefore, no seal). I'm not sure whether a "honky" sound would result from a lack of seal though. For those of you who did not have a poor experience with the K271S, how was the fit for you?
  14. There was another guy who said the D25 was not a high-end Sony PCDP. I quoted him and said it was also my opinion that the D25 is not on-par with other high-end vintage Sony PCDPs (D515, D555, D303, D335, etc.) either. Though it obviously does make sense to remove our posts from the sponsored for-sale thread.
  15. Haha, seriously. By the way, is the 2 watts enough for the HE60?
  16. I just noticed that my post got deleted from Head-Fi. *sigh* Anyways, the D25 is definitely not a top-end Sony PCDP (D515, D555, D335, D303).
  17. Absolutely not worth it. You can get most likely get one of the top-end Sony PCDPs in today's market for that price. I've seen D303s sell for about $150 recently.
  18. You can make inferences regarding an individual's tastes based off his or her gear. And yes, people do get credibility based on their gear/experience even if there isn't a true causal link between the two. People also take pride in their gear. You go to a car forum, cars in signatures. You go to a computer forum, computer rigs in signatures.
  19. Yes, this is a filter. The asterisk replacement and PM notice is an automated and immediate software response. As to whether the Head-Case link removal is an automated process, the clue is if the removal is immediate and/or if there is always an immediate e-mail from Jude that is standardized. If there is, then it is automatic. If there is a variation in time or if it takes on the order of many seconds or minutes, then we know it is not. If the e-mail content is personalized, then the e-mail itself is not automated.
  20. Ah, I see I see. My mistake there. With IEMs, noticeable (noise issue with high pot setting). With FirstWatt, not there (and drove with no problems with regards to voltage). As I've said, I still believe the Beta22 is not a bad preamp. Not going going back on my opinions there. Just noting that having the Beta22 demonstrate noise issues with IEMs says that the noise is definitely there with the Beta22 I tried.
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