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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Apogee Mini Dac (w/ USB) $600 http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1184472361
  2. There's tons of good info here, most people are really nice, don't worry about it.
  3. Thanks very much for posting that, I guess I can deal with less headroom on my pot, so glad I don't have a SA.
  4. Thanks! Completely forgot about PartsExpress, they have the Harrison 6 dB for $26 or generics for $6...i'm going to grab one of them.
  5. edit, woops wrong thread meant to post in my attenuator thread
  6. deepak

    28 Weeks Later

    I guess I better register the domain 28 decades later I just spoke to two of my friends, both liked it better than the first. "More action, less whiny bitch drama" according to one of them
  7. deepak

    28 Weeks Later

    I really liked the first movie as well. Seems lack of character development (due to pacing) is a problem with 28 Weeks Later.
  8. deepak

    28 Weeks Later

    Yeah it came out a few days ago. Reviews are all over the place.
  9. Has anyone seen this? Good/bad compared to the first movie?
  10. I'm finding I'm not getting enough headroom on my Melos pot since the Northstar DAC outputs higher than my previous DAC. (And the Melos might have a pretty high gain) I like have a lot of room to play with on the volume knob, but right now I can't take it past 9 o' clock. Is there something I can do that won't degrade sound quality? This is only a problem with my HP-2, using the Melos as a preamp works fine.
  11. According to your signature you have four sources...no need to upgrade
  12. deepak


    SDS- It's a motor control mechanism...not one of the SP amps.
  13. deepak


    Firing squad. I would scream out and swear revenge on the firing squad just before I was sent to the depths of Hades. On the way down I'd grab a ledge and throw the guy hanging on to his dear life off. I'd battle the many armies and find a way to climb back out. I'd then have my revenge. Oh shit playing too much God of War... ARIES!!!!11
  14. deepak

    Spiderman 3

    No you're not, I really disliked Spiderman 2. I didn't mind the first movie.
  15. I think I finally have my head wrapped around this DAC. left/right headstage is a bit smaller than the DA10. But it has much more depth, making it sound more like the recording is all around you. Imaging is also just as good as the Lavry, but it feels like instruments have more space to breath (albeit small on the HP-2). Side note I'm very happy with the Joe Grado Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Reference cables between the DAC and amp. At the price I got them for I'm very pleased with how they compare to my DIY Kimber TCSS.
  16. What sort of guitar stuff is it? Will it melt my face off?
  17. Yeah I still intend to search Audiogon, plus it's fun looking at the virtual systems. And of course their classifieds/auctions.
  18. I meant SDS the motor control mechanism, not the SP amps. And Aries the VPI table.
  19. I think it is a little funny cotdt praised the K701 so much, and I did get a laugh out of you pissing davesrose and piccolonamek off so much. They're good mid-fi headphones nothing more.
  20. I have no problem with Headfi, just don't be an idiot and all goes well. There's just too many new users, and the portable market has taken over that's why I post here more. I can't see any reason why my A-gon threads were removed Any suggests for alternative sites for high end info? Audiokarma, audiocircle?
  21. Oh thanks, I usually just use the search. Really strange I didn't think either of my threads broke the rules. The only thing I can think about my most recent thread is one of the resellers of the DAC replied with some info (and it wasn't even addressing my question, it was an objective reply about repairs).
  22. I know I've started two threads in the digital section. Both of them weren't advertising, I was asking for help with two particular DACs. I'm trying to find one I created in February 2007 and it's not in my history of created threads (though two very old ones are) nor is it coming up on search. Is this normal?
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