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Everything posted by EdipisReks1

  1. I figured out who Brian James Chesser likely is: custody issue. Worked at a place that is less than half a mile from where I live.
  2. I did a lot of things, but being followed home by a PI (I made them immediately, and my pulling into a police department parking lot wasn’t unsubtle enough apparently: “I’ll fucking kill you right now” apparently suitably unsubtle) who had been hired to serve somebody with almost but not quite my name made for an interesting few moments. I don’t even think this variety of being served is legal in Ohio. I’ve been served papers (divorced twice, after all) and most of the time they don’t even bother with certified mail (“most” being “all”). A… particularly difficult parental situation? well, regardless, whomever cares about James should hire a better PI.
  3. I’m just complaining. I assume anybody who sees this already had my phone number.
  4. Silver got her flea/tick treatment. She now lives under the couch. I hope this isn’t permanent, but I’m okay with it if she doesn’t try to open closets.
  5. Apparently dead cat took it upon himself to keep currently alive cat from opening closet doors. I bet I have the child proof latches ordered installed before she figures out that I reversed the sliding closest doors. I have had currently alive cat for her entire life, and I’ve gone from not having currently alive cat in my closets to having currently alive cat in all my closets, in the span of three weeks, so clearly Dunhill was earning his kibble.
  6. Still trying to open said closet. I never said she was a brain genius.
  7. Replaced my 40mm Series 4 with a 41mm Series 7. The battery had gone to shit. I wouldn’t say the Series 7 is really noticeably different. Always on display is nice. But I’ll wait to replace my 44mm Series 4 until the battery in that becomes bad enough.
  8. Almost?! I have like five of some! Normcore portafilter fixes my issue with the stock portafilter being too light.
  9. That was an incredible latte. Keep in mind it was the only shot I pulled today, and the only “milk” I steamed. I don’t think I can do better. I can do “different,” and certainly “easier,” but I don’t think I can do better.
  10. I made latte art. I’m aware that this is “cat doesn’t want to be bothered so I’m going to aggressively not bother cat.”
  11. Apparently this is not how the closets are supposed to work. She had figured out the sliding closets last night, but that closet does not slide.
  12. Awwwww. I’m sorry. But I’m sure that gato got to a home that worked. I am hoping to avoid that sort of scenario. Silver is just… difficult, and I am the only currently moving creature she seems to like. I fortunately do have different rooms that I can use to segregate them, including two rooms cats aren’t typically allowed into (I use two of my bedrooms for storage: I would consolidate into one). The first time I went to Heather’s house one of her cats got around me and got into the basement, where the Bingie Cats were located at the time. I used a beanbag chair and my foot (I was wearing sandals and that hurt!) to prevent things from getting worse than they were. I do think Silver would like another pal, though.
  13. I bet he could have taken the lizard if it were just 5 and a half feet.
  14. Pic is after dosing with the Weber Blind shaker. I used my knock off OCD, but I could have gone straight to tamp.
  15. A good long pre-infusion with Counter Culture “Slow Motion,” which is a decaf. I would be happy with this shot from any coffee house in the world.
  16. I ordered a Normcore portafilter. Specifically fits the Flair 58 (well, it’s just an E61 portafilter, but they do call out the Flair specifically!). I don’t like how light the Flair portafilter is. This should fix that. Also includes an 18gram precision basket, which is strangely not something I have (22 IMS and 20 VST; the stock Flair basket is 18, but it’s not great: it’s fine, but I don’t use it).
  17. Silver and I agree that she doesn’t like being an only cat: she either gets too much attention from me or not enough. Dunhill ran interference on both fronts. I’m contemplating getting another cat. It’s complicated: if I end up moving in with Heather there are those cat dynamics. But that’s still in limbo, so I have to think about what is best for Silver. She’s a difficult cat. Skittish, doesn’t like other cats. I’ve introduced kittens to adult cats before (this was easy: the adult cats were always deathly afraid of the kitten!), but I’ve never introduced an adult cat to another on a permanent basis (Silver and Dunhill already knew each other). Silver and Heather’s cats don’t get along, though over a series of very careful meetings it was… better the last time we were in NC. But wasn’t permanent. One way or another I’m not going to spend the next 10-15 years with just one cat, though, and I can’t take 25 years to get cats to get along, so any recommendations?
  18. A little thing, but if you need a 58mm tamper, this is a very good one for the money made by a Ukrainian company. I have one in red. It’s dead on 58, so basket fit is pretty universal (though of course there can be a little ring depending on basket and/or dose).
  19. Cappuccino this morning with some light roast Ethiopian (the person at the counter of roastery didn’t know the varietal, and it’s not labeled, but I think it’s Sidamo: it’s fairly well roasted, though it has some Quakers) and Silk Next Milk. Another place where I COULD have done latte art. I’m super happy with Silk Next Milk (at least the “while fat” variety); by far the best plant milk I’ve used for coffee, and very close to the flavor of dairy when steamed.
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