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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. The Marin contingent try their best as well
  2. ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM
  3. Not on urbandictionary.com, one would hope Urban Dictionary: assonance
  4. Grahame

    slow forum

    crocoPuffs: Soundboards esp. http://www.crocopuffs.com/soundboard/arnold.swf http://www.crocopuffs.com/soundboard/austinpowers.swf
  5. ^ Unfortunately, Duggeh will now find it more expensive to drink to that! (Which I guess was the idea of the legislation, founded on the potentially flawed idea that demand for alcohol in Scotland, is indeed elastic, as opposed to being effectively inelastic, as Duggeh suggests)
  6. Grahame

    slow forum

    ^ The ideal match for Hell Kitten AR-15 - evil black rifle meets cute and cuddly
  7. Happy Birthday Nate! May you get everything your heart desires
  8. from Alcohol price crackdown to tackle Scottish binge drinking - Telegraph Alcohol price crackdown to tackle Scottish binge drinking A minimum price on a unit of alcohol is to be introduced under radical plans to tackle Scotland's binge drinking epidemic. By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor Last Updated: 8:42PM GMT 02 Mar 2009 Alcohol will be priced according to the number of units in an attempt to tackle binge drinking in Scotland Alcohol will be priced according to the number of units in an attempt to tackle binge drinking in Scotland Photo: Simon Roberts Scottish ministers argued the measures, the first of their type in the world, were needed to stop shops selling cheap lager and cider for "pocket money prices". Campaign groups urged the Government to roll out minimum pricing across the rest of Britain, but the drinks industry predicted it would have little effect other than to punish ordinary shoppers. Alcohol misuse costs the NHS and justice system around
  9. Google found $1849.00 from here Sound Performance Lab (SPL)*-*SPL Phonitor - Pro Audio Sales - AudioLot - 888-224-3343
  10. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    ^^ Thanks for the Clarification. It sounds like I should book Fri/Sat/Sun soon, regardless - which makes sense. If I understood the numbers I saw in the Chat room correctly, with *enough* people it could *even* be cheaper than flying (include parking etc etc) -although that could be a pretty big IF. How many people can Santa's RV take? maybe we should charter him, instead
  11. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    Al, Could you just re-iterate, for those of us wanting to experience MOAOW (Mayberry On Acid, On Wheels) , or should that be MOAR! (Mayberry On Acid, Rolling!) AKA The Magic Bus , What Days/Nights should we book at the hotel. I'm somewhat by the dates right now. Thanks.
  12. Have a good one! Enjoy any business you get up to, Risky or otherwise
  13. ^ And will using it with an HD800 make it not suck even more or less?
  14. You need to ask? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19s4PCaQ5Mk
  15. Don't you want something like ... Cool Stuff: Star Trek Home Theater | /Film The Bridge Home Theater (you know you do )
  16. Sweet! Sir, I applaud your efforts! I have been watching the various threads on this matter with interest. From a personal perspective, I've been interested in a High End SS amp, having seen what various people have done with the B22, naamf amongst others. Given the likely cost of such an endeavor , the incremental delta for adding decent control, monitoring and display over and above the power supply, amplification and casework seems worthwhile. (If I'm spending this much on amp, it should do double duty as a speaker amp, and thus have a remote control of some sort!, etc) Given the block diagram, how much of it is tied to the use of DynaFet gain stages, e.g could you substitute B22 boards? I think there is a lot of mileage in this approach, and look forward to your progress with interest. (Disclosure: As a Transporter owner, I'm very interested in the direct external control - you could imagine the duet/controller controlling the amp functions -etc)
  17. For those of you considering the MSI Wind Hackintosh: Run OS X on the MSI Wind Mini Laptop The cheapest MacBook you'll see this year: MSI Wind with OS X Hackintosh - Webmonkey and its not too slow AppleDifferent Blog Archive Leo in the Sky with Diamonds : benchmarking
  18. Grahame

    slow forum

    The Captions just write themselves? (original title: A member of the of the Beija-Flor samba school parades at the Sambodrome)
  19. Someone ought to tell these people The World's Largest Anechoic Chamber [audiojunkies] They wasted their money, then
  20. FTFY Proper (Black) Tea BBC - h2g2 - Tea requires Boiling water!
  21. ^ Do I Detect a Tom Brown's Schooldays - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia / Harry Paget Flashman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Reference? What our colonial cousins have overlooked ( understandable, given their preference for obsolete technology, like the stove top kettle: Forget your stove-top kettle?go electric. - By Seth Stevenson - Slate Magazine ), is that with the aid of an electric kettle, the UK system allows you to boil water for a cup of tea, in half the time of the US system. electric kettles take about twice as long to boil in the US as in the UK Google Answers: 110volts vs. 230 volts -- Pros and Cons? And they call themselves the land of instant gratification!
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