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High Rollers
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Everything posted by VPI

  1. To prepare I will have Colin draw names for each league so we can group everyone by chance unless people have a problem with that.
  2. I think we are at a point where we will need two 8-10 team leagues to handle all the teams. I have set up HC Part Two league and I will be splitting the league up unless everyone wants to play with very limited benches/waiver wires. Also, we have 15 teams now so we can set up the two leagues and those hardcore team owners that want to can field teams in both leagues. So far I have this list. Post here and let me know if you want to field two teams, have one team in one of the leagues or just have one large league. Boomana Mexican Dragon N-Maher Raffy Moonshine VPI Agile_One Shellyh Yikes The Monkey Emelius Morphsci Deepak Salt Peanuts Aura
  3. I have us trimmed back to 5 bench spots from seven and no IR at the moment. This should make waivers a bit easier with 14 teams. There are two divisions but that doesn't help much in providing enough talent to spread around all the teams.
  4. Well Ethan, 3/4 of the playoff teams last year were beginners so there is nothing wrong with being a first timer. I need an e-mail and this should put us at an even number.
  5. Okay, at this point we have 13 confirmed teams for this year so we need at least one more team (there are three teams from last year that have not confirmed so maybe one of them). We also need to decide if we want to have one big league or two smaller leagues. The big league is a bit more difficult due to fewer players to pick up on waivers but we would all be playing together.
  6. The 70-200 was my favorite there. Most of the zoo is pretty well lit and very friendly to photography.
  7. Gene and Jim have been added. Still need an e-mail for Emelius and I am assuming the people that have not responded do not intend to field a team this year.
  8. Wow, does she know about the basement? Congrat/Congrats/Congratulations, choose one that best applies based on the Congrat rules.
  9. Feel free to use any of my pics Smeggy. I will try to get some better ones when I dig out all my photography gear from my luggage.
  10. Finally made it to my house to get my Thunderpants out of package storage.
  11. Took the flying MacBook Air into the Apple store for a check up and the Genius just gave me a new one. I am back to a new laptop and happy.
  12. Those of you that have posted here that played previously should be good to go. I need an e-mail from Emelius and Jim to send your invites. Also anyone that wants things changed in scoring, league set-up, divisions, etc. go ahead and start shouting them out here. I am not sure if a couple players from last year are even here anymore so I might trim if I do not hear from everyone within the next few weeks and get our numbers down a bit.
  13. Okay, it is time to activate our league for this season. I need to know if anyone that played last year wants to drop out and if anyone new wants to play this year. We can also compile recommended changes like Deepak has made and decide how we want to run the league this year. Won't be drafting for over a month but we can use that time to come up with a new name for Brent's team, "Can't get no Biscuits,"
  14. Thanks Al, we certainly do not have skies like this in NY. Last batch, focusing primarily on animals I ran across and the clouds.
  15. Some shots from a cloudy day at Dinosaur National Monument. I thought this guy looked like a monkey/ and this guy a turtle.
  16. Steamboat Springs actually. Some iPhone shots from today's 4-wheeler run to the peak. and one of my trusty Suunto after a filthy day on the mountain.
  17. The thing is still going strong. I processed about 100 pics in Aperture tonight without a hiccup. Pretty good for dropping around 4 feet from the Defender 90.
  18. Well, my new MBA took a dive from the passenger seat of the Landrover onto a concrete garage floor. It was at least in a small incase sleeve luckily but it still ended up with a dented corner and upon start up the mouse would not work. Restart seems to have fixed that for the moment but I believe this will have a much shorter life span now.
  19. I have zero issues with Lion so far. Of course it would have to make the computer piss on my carpet and steal my wallet to be Apple's version of Vista. Launchpad seems useful but I still have not dug that deeply into it.
  20. The new MBA is so much better with semi-intensive software (Aperture, LightRoom) than my previous generation model.
  21. The 11 was my first choice but I decided that this one will be fast enough to be my main laptop for photos, etc. so the extra screen would come in handy.
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