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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Hockey is way more tame and reserved than it was 20 years ago. It's still fast and has hitting, but the rules really discourage the extremes it used to get to.
  2. Greensky Bluegrass https://archive.org/details/gsbg2024-11-10.4015gs
  3. Happy Birthday Dusty!
  4. Old Bisbee has the Mysore nuggets back in stock, for those that don't roast their own coffee
  5. https://archive.org/details/james-mcmurtry-20240915
  6. James McMurtry and BettySoo at the Bijou in knoxville
  7. I have a bezerra strega, and I think it'd be perfectly at home in a head-case level stereo shop. Looks like the business, makes great coffee. https://www.wholelattelove.com/products/bezzera-strega-top-al-espresso-machine-with-wood-accents?currency=USD&variant=20554661625910
  8. Check out this show by Band of Heathens from Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at The Shed on Live Music Archive! https://livemusicarchive.app/music/artists/BandofHeathens/recordings/BoH2024-08-10
  9. The band of heathens recording to follow.
  10. Tennessee Shines last night Ismay https://archive.org/details/ismay-20240807 Sarah Shook & The Disarmers https://archive.org/details/sarahshook20240807 Dylan LeBlanc https://archive.org/details/dylan-leblanc-20240807
  11. I'll say my cassettes from the early 90s survived better than my dats...
  12. grawk


    I'm gonna guess 1964, those women sure were getting uppity then.
  13. All it needs is some gulf logos
  14. For real. I certainly wouldn't ever need the maximum performance a 911 can provide, but rowing gears is fun, and I wouldn't want to give that up in a car I'd be driving on the dragon.
  15. Sunny Sweeney with Tom McElvain opening Songbirds Guitar Museum Chattanooga TN This venue is remarkably cool. 3 rows of seats, plus some tables. Sounded great. https://archive.org/details/TM20240623 https://archive.org/details/ss20240623
  16. https://archive.org/details/lw20240621
  17. Lucinda Williams. A FANTASTIC show.
  18. On a related note Steve, I found your retirement job in Knoxville tn. It’s a place called vintage lumber. No matter the context you’ve got to be their ideal employee.
  19. Bill Walton, basketball player and famous deadhead
  20. To be fair, carpet baggers did a number on the south.
  21. a friend of mine played a small part on House of Cards and never told stories but he REALLY doesn’t like Spacey.
  22. that is why I roast my own coffee and make my own espresso
  23. Not to my knowledge. That seems like it’d be problematic.
  24. I know some people "age" the beans in like rum or bourbon bottles, but I imagine things like sweet cream and vanilla flavors are added chemically. Or they picked beans that just naturally have those flavor notes.
  25. I exchanged some coffee with someone with an ikawa once, and I was impressed with the complexity of flavors it achieved. That said, my roaster isn't much more complicated, once you've dialed in your recipe. And I can roast a lot more coffee at once.
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