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Everything posted by Hopstretch

  1. Douched if you does. Douched if you doesn't. It's a pair a' dicks!
  2. Talking Heads -- The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads
  3. I've had the luxury of making my own Mac computing arrangements for both work and play over the last decade or more -- so I haven't really used a version of Windows since 95. Anyway, I'm about to buy a new laptop for my mom and was wondering what I should do about the OS -- is Vista really bad enough that I need to go get a copy of XP instead? She's in her 70s and uses the PC pretty much exclusively for email, Flickr and Skype video chats with the grandkids. Simplicity and stability are key -- as she's also 8,000 miles away and tech support is me. And no, she doesn't want a Macbook.
  4. Nice! Looks like they got your rocks off. Aha ha.
  5. They've got my number. And it is #119.
  6. Prefab Sprout -- Steve McQueen Paint the town! Paint the town!
  7. Just the bog standard remasters.
  8. Lloyd Cole -- Antidepressant This is a damn good album about getting older, and coming to terms with it. Fuck me, I'm almost forty.
  9. Good chunk of the Roxy Music back catalogue.
  10. Metallica -- Master Of Puppets This isn't all that bad. Some of you guys should give it a listen someday.
  11. Quite a few Singlepower owners, apparently. But only to Mikhail.
  12. Maybe. I kinda like having buttons to push or switches to flick, just to make myself feel a part of the process.
  13. It's definitely on the plain side, innit? Some further details here, will be interesting to see that white paper.
  14. I wonder if the board software would allow that gif as a custom title?
  15. Compared to what? Dealing with Singlepower? Pffft!
  16. . Or I could take three seconds to Google it.
  17. The release notes for the latest Quicktime update said it "improves AAC encoding". Which is nice, I guess. Agree that 256kbps VBR sounds damn good as it is.
  18. Everything But The Girl -- Walking Wounded
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