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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. Friends, I recently had JRiver reorganize my music folder by ARTST\ALBUM\TRACK. My old scheme was ARTIST - ALBUM\TRACK. I like the new one better from an aesthetic point of view, and because I enjoy folders. The problem is, now I have a shit ton of folders labelled something like "Bjork - Vespertine" that contain nothing except .log and .cue files, and perhaps some .jpg art files or liner notes. I prefer to embed that stuff in the track, so I don't need the extra files. I'd love to have a program that I could tell to delete any folder that did not contain (or whose subfolder did not contain) a music file. Does something like that exist?
  2. Kicker keeper is out, thanks Jeff!
  3. You know your business better than I, but it seems like frequently sending a WOL packet is less trouble than periodically backing up your entire NAS to a non-redundant drive for the sake of backblaze.
  4. Good question! I'm not spoilt for choice with a keeper from Dinny's team, so I'm excited to hear how it's shaking out. Looks like Keeper Kicker.
  5. That opens up your options. Smallnetbuilder does a good "Best NAS" chart that's easily refined corresponding to your preferences.
  6. Got the email, team is set up. Strong chance I'll be on autodraft, given that it occurs at 3AM here in Istanbul, but I'll do my level best. Football season will entail many late night and early mornings, perhaps it's a good idea to start now.
  7. Also interested in this topic, though I have little to add. I'd been looking at this unit, though largely because I'll be using mine as a Plex server, hooked up to a Mac Mini. IIRC, your ecosystem is erroneously devoid of macs, so the Thunderbolt is not a big draw.
  8. Can do, email sent. The Istanbul Kabobs are looking at a good season.
  9. Posty, I lived in CO for 20+ years, 6 of them in Boulder. It's one of my favorite places in the world. Larry's tips are all excellent. Telluride is far as hell away, great town though it is. Dan also makes a good suggestion in Estes Park, though it's a scenic 1 hour drive from Boulder. Fort Collins is of little interest to me, but it was Boulder's rival school, and I never came around to its "merits". Also my in laws live there. Little love lost. Other great place to live would be Golden (home of Macro brewed beer). As far as vacationing goes, the sky is the limit. If I were planning a trip back over Thanksgiving I'd want to go to Crested Butte, Breckenridge, Vail, or Estes Park. Estes Park is actually where I chose to spend my last night in Colorado before I moved overseas, at the beautiful and famous Stanley Hotel.
  10. Sounds like exactly where I stopped I finished Seveneves and Anathem and came back, though. Better that than make progress in Baroque...
  11. I have a feeling the U.S. is about to get flooded with Greek demand for gyros, sammich. Sell high!
  12. I used a handful when I lived in China. My favorite was either the BlueAir Classic (https://www.blueair.com/us/blueair-classic) or the IQ Air HealthPro Plus (http://www.amazon.com/IQ-HealthPro-Plus-Air-Purifier/dp/B002VXDCHW/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1440518798&sr=1-1&keywords=iqair) These both work exactly how you would imagine: pump a metric ton of air through a very good disposable filter as quietly as possible. They both work wonderfully, I owned both, but the Embassy bought a few hundred Blue Airs and filters were provided every month, so I sold my IQ Air. They are serious machines, but this is Head Case. I wager there is nothing you can throw at these that I did not experience in Beijing.
  13. I'm the only person I know who did not like it, but oh man did I not like it. The whole thing felt like he was reading through back issues of How to be Cool: For Dads! in the morning, then banging out a few dozen pages every night. I am not an MMO player any longer, but I once was, and none of it rang true. Just like Twilight fulfilled little girls' dream of some day falling in love with a sexy vampire, RPO fulfills boys' dreams of conquering the world and getting in shape by playing lots of video games. Snowcrash is delightful, absurd, and a real favorite. Stephenson has a gift that Cline does not have. That said, the MMO world Stephenson describes in Reamde is a little closer to what I think RPO could have been.
  14. Crown prince of the Oud, Mr. Anouar Brahem. Conte Le'incrovable Amour. Absolutely mermerizing.
  15. Sherwood

    Apple Music

    I'm not sure if you meant someone servicing your wristwatch while someone else (hopefully?) services your person, or if one was slobbing your knob and the other was watching pro bono. Either way, I also think ill of their publication.
  16. Welcome to Sepinho! I met sepinho earlier this week, passed out in a hammock with a fishing line tied around his big toe. I was minding my own business, but I noticed that he had a bite on the line, and I felt it my duty to assist the man. I grasped the line, naturally, and attempted to reel the monster in, as any decent neighbor would. I was trying hard to pull the line without disturbing sepinho, and I was succeeding. Five minutes in, I was dedicated to nothing in the world, save my task. I'd made nary a sound, and to be frank I'd lost track of time. Bystanders were wending their way around me, perplexed, but I was unbothered. When I was confident I had the beast well in hand, I risked a glance toward sepinho, only to find that the other end of the line had slipped his toe, and he was nowhere to be found! Peeved, I pulled my last with a huff and felt the quarry loose itself from the deep. What should I have expected? After my effort, I expected a significant reward -- perhaps an octopus, many-legged and delicious? It was not to be, though I was yet in for one more surprise. Rather than a fish, the line had looped around a bottle, and in that bottle a letter! I could scarce wait to loose the cork and read its contents, the lean fruit of my endeavours. What did the letter say, you ask? "See you on Head-Case!" The pique! I think this sepinho has a lot to account for here, gentlemen!
  17. Moth used to make a speaker I think you would have liked...
  18. Sherwood

    Apple Music

    Featuring! - Skankin' Pickle - Mustard Plug - Bowling for Soup - Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Squirrel Nut Zippers - Reel Big Fish - Rancid - The Toasters - Fishbone - Mephiskapheles That's all I've got, and frankly "Cherry Poppin' Daddies" was a stretch (eyyyyyyyy).
  19. I hated Ready Player One, so I imagine Armada would make me shit blood. Hard pass. I'm reading The Janissary Tree to get in the Istanbul spirit. Awesome book so far, featuring a eunuch detective and a lot of impotent descriptions of young Circassian sex slaves. My boss recommended it!
  20. Late though I may be, I also would like to celebrate your contribution to the world. Good to have you around, Doug!
  21. I'm desperate to see what 's inside that card... You are all wonderful, and it's been a pleasure spending another year with you.
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