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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. Sherwood

    Audeze LCD-2

    Why am I just hearing about this now? There are already castaways from Changstar, and Purrin is their king? God, that guy is useless. I think the breakaway republic from a shitty place that was, itself, a breakaway republic from a shitty place is the headphone equivalent of Bangladesh.
  2. I suppose it depends on who's attending.
  3. My thoughts indeed. I'd be more than willing to confine the whole scope to Islay and surrounding Scotch country, if that's what the Case wants.
  4. Ugh, Dad, it's not cool if you have to tell people it's cool.
  5. We're all either building our own amps, buying amps someone else here built, or buying amps someone else here used to own. Only like five dudes here buy new amps, and the rest of us draft off of them.
  6. Casers, I have long held a dream in my heart that we, as a team, could converge upon some of Europe's storied drinking locations. I'd love to stop by the Abbey in Westvleteren and grab a roadie, get tossed out of a dingy pub in London, or spend a week touring distilleries with you wonderful folks on Islay. I know it's tough to get away for enough time to make a European trip worth it, but I think it would be rewarding. Anyone else interested? Anything in the old world you're all excited to see for yourself?
  7. I think you'll enjoy it, I definitely loved mine.
  8. I had 6 of them, all told, so in larger rooms I doubled them up. The largest room I had with one was probably 180 sq. ft. I had two in a room that was around 500 sq. ft. The Embassy tested my in-home air for particulate concentration, and found that while the PM2.5 level outdoors would rise above 300, indoors it never got over 10. They worked very well. I never had any trouble with the casters, but they're built primarily to be unobtrusive, and I only used them on hardwood floors.
  9. Yeah that makes sense to me. I've got something like a dental pick here, I'll give it a go.
  10. Hey guys, I finally found a good home in a small space for the Moth Cicadas I purchased many moons ago, and the room is conducive enough that I can really notice a bit of variance in the drivers. I have a set of unused spare drivers I'd like to sub in, to see if they are more to my liking. The only trouble is, I have no clue how to remove the old drivers. The cicada enclosure is ported, but the port is too small to fit a hand in, so I can't push the driver out from the back. It fits in the cabinet pretty snugly, so I don't have enough room to fit a spudger in around the edge and pry it up. Furthermore, being paper cones, I run the risk of damaging the old driver is I do it wrong. To those who've used these drivers elsewhere, or built other sealed enclosures, are there any tricks to getting the drivers out?
  11. What an absolute treasure. This is just so Chinese. Especially the "Why doesn't it annex Portigal" part.
  12. YES! CHVRCHES and Ryan Adams in the same night, looks like this guy is not going to bed until after 10:30.
  13. Rewatching "Fringe", because i have a cold and it's comfort TV.
  14. Tell that to my wife, who had to endure a play-by-play of my eventual, belated triumph in week one.
  15. Skipped right to 13:00 to see if he said the GTI was the best. When he didn't I stopped watching. I'm not looking to buy a car, just to validate my choices.
  16. My unit was a health pro compact, which trims 24 inches of height off by omitting the V5 filter, which is specific for filtering out smoke and odors. There's no real way to turn sections on or off, there's just no slot for the V5 filter on the compact unit. Looking at their website, it seems that they no longer sell the model I owned, so nothing to worry about there.
  17. They are both on casters, so it's dead simple. I never used the chemical and odor filter on the IQAir, mostly because I don't smoke and nor do my neighbors, but I found the standard filter itself to be very efficient at filtering odors, notably diapers (yay) and scented candles (boo). Rooms with the filters smell "sweeter" than those without. It's very pleasant.
  18. Lost by one point. Looks like the season has started for Tyler.
  19. He threw for precisely one touchdown, but it was to the Ravens. Meanwhile, Demaryius Thomas would like to know when the fuck you are going to pull it together over there.
  20. All my players are still employed, we're off to a good start.
  21. I definitely am. Tried it on a whim when I was away from my server for a few months and needed to set up a mobile workflow on a laptop. When I got back to my server it replaced my running Sickbeard installation. It handles unexpected things (nuked episodes, "Out of your server's retention"? problems, etc.) and has a very full-featured renaming and organization system. Plus I enjoy Calendar view, showing me what's upcoming and missed very intuitively.
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