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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. It's interviewing season here so I expect I will gain at least 10 pounds in the next couple of months. Can't complain about the good free food though. Tonight at Underbelly (for 4 people): Underbelly Charcuterie, House Pickles, Mustard Braised Short Rib, Creamed Turnips and Wilted Greens Grilled Pork Collar, Creamed Greens, Cornbread Jalapeno Cheddar Sausage, Comeback Slaw, Crackers Cha Ca Style Snapper, Dill, Peanuts, Rice Noodle Underbelly Hickory King Grits, Braised Greens, Underbelly Country Ham Warm Ciabatta, Meyer Lemon Herb Butter Korean Braised Goat & Dumplings +wine After BBQ yesterday and going out for dinner last night, I could skip meals for another week and be fine.
  2. RIP Gwen Ifill. One of the last to bring us real news.
  3. I took off the pin to go into the polling location.
  4. ^I thought about getting one of those but I just can't imagine spending that kind of money after dealing with the Surface Pros.
  5. Indeed, I looked into getting the ZCD a couple of weeks ago and then found out it was discontinued. Indeed, I am looking for something that will play CDs. A lot of times I stream music but I miss having a CD player.
  6. I am thinking of getting a Rega Apollo R as a transport for my headphone rig (transport -> PS Audio PWD MKII -> BHSE). I need something that is a half rack size and this seems to be pretty nice. I like that it loads from the top too. Anyone know any reason to not get it? The other option would be a CD player that would be used as a transport and dac (instead of the PWD). This could be full size. It would need to have optical in so that I could play music from my Apple Express.
  7. Just read Steve's first post. All I can say is what the fuck!!!! Glad you were able to find homes for the last kitten and mother. Hope you take that business down.
  8. Oh, I kind of forgot about my FF team. Sorry guys.
  9. It was and I have brisket left for brisket tacos. [emoji3]
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