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Everything posted by nikongod

  1. I'm not sure how long I will leave these up: aDSC_6380 by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr aDSC_6373 by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr aDSC_6337 by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr
  2. On an unhappy note I got 3 6s (on a scale of 6 through 9) on 3 photos I entered in a contest for today. It would not really suck so badly if I had not seen what was getting 7s and 8s. Its on one of the main streets in Teaneck.
  3. Something of a work in progress: American pride by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr
  4. Have you tried looping the cables over your ears?
  5. The MB-D10 for the D300/D700 was the first I think. Its nice because if you shoot with and without the grip the new grips take up less room in your camera bag and are less likely to get broken. You can set the camera to use the battery in the vertical grip first so you don't have to take it off to get at the battery in the body so often. My D200 never used the batteries simultaneously - it would drain the left one and then start on the right one.
  6. I got together with some Flickr Friends for a model shoot this weekend. Pipes by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr Tower of babel by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr Clock at the center of the world by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr I'm still editing the photos of the model.
  7. Someone gave me a 4x5" pinhole camera with a 50mm focal length. It is extremely wide. Englewood Public Library by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr New Overpeck Park Bridge by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr Click through for a couple more pics on my Flickr Stream.
  8. Yes you are totally overestimating the risks of that. Yes it would be risky to take the lens through airport security. The X-ray machine could malfunction and fry your balls. Or the guy inspecting your bag could drop your lens. He may also say "I dont give a shit that you can ask (require) us to hand inspect your film, I'm gonna X-ray it" and fog your film. Yes, I have no idea if the FD 55F1.2 is radioactive, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it. This lens was made LONG after non-radioactive glass and clear-non-glass-solids (plastics and synthetic minerals) were developed.
  9. Contains the phrase "Cunt Punt" and general ranting: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/4ad20b4edf/michael-shannon-reads-the-insane-sorority-letter?playlist=featured_videos Original text: http://gawker.com/5994974/the-most-deranged-sorority-girl-email-you-will-ever-read
  10. I may be a 52. I'm asking my GF what size the bike she has been lending me is. How does this bike ride? I'd really like something on the more supple side, and have been daydreaming of a nice steel frame. For comparison I have been riding an Aluminum Cannondale that is a bit harsh for the road conditions in NYC.
  11. Why not just install digital transformers between the output of the USB covnerter and the DAC?
  12. Awesomest pencils ever. I dont know if anyone is interested, but I found this kickstarter for what looks like VERY cool BIC pen holders while looking for a metal jetstream body. http://kck.st/XKqXKc Only a few days left.
  13. 35F2.... mmmmmmm yea. pretty lens. pretty pictures. Waterfall in B&W by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr The tripod setup for the previous shot. by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr
  14. I am shocked and dismayed that this thread is not more popular. I come seeking assitance - Does anyone know of an all metal body that can accept a uniball jetstream ink cartridge? The pen should be insanely substantial. Machined brass is not out of the question. Ideally it would have a screw on cap, but I'm open to clickers and pens where you spin the barrel to open. I cant find anything. Porn: An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age. by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr
  15. The whole thread is great.
  16. This photo just got "explored" on Flickr. Yaay!
  17. Lower Manhattan at Sunset by Lord Nikon 12, on Flickr Taken with my Ricoh GRD4 on my Ultrapod 2.
  18. I guess I'm doing it wrong, but yea I like those things.
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