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Everything posted by Knuckledragger

  1. Lost power 3 times last night. My computer is already on a (much bigger) APC UPS, but my networking hardware is not. It was a PITA bringing up the network each time.
  2. It's pretty, but... the headphone jack(s) are on the back, and the mini one is below the USB port? Yuck.
  3. Trader Joe's veggie burrito, with Texas Pete's hot sauce and TJ's Greek-style yogurt. Washing it down with a Steaz green tea soda, orange flavor. Life could be worse.
  4. I went to town to drop off 3 rolls of film to be developed, and I ended up coming home with a sexy 18-year-old http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3040/2564521811_5709372e82.jpg[/img ...bottle of Scotch, that is. I asked about Ardbeg, but the only bottle he had in stock was the 10-year and not Uigeadail (the shopkeep looked at me like I was nuts when I asked for "Ardbeg Oogie.") He did have this 18 year old bottle of Talisker on markdown (making it only a few bucks more than the 10-year) so I sprang for that instead. As good as it looks (and right now, that's pretty fricken good), I'm going to wait to open it. I have a large-ish gig doing lights for a Whole Foods party tonight, and no time to drink. Furthermore, my best friend is in the hospital, dealing with what is a very painful condition. When she emerges, and makes her way back here, this will be my get well present to her.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj5PnWcNtRk
  6. I disagree with this premise. Horses are beautiful, noble animals. SJP is a vile harpie. ... Greetings from the Edgartown Public Library!
  7. The toilet of the future
  8. 4N6's balanced DT-880s. Now I uh, just need an amp to drive them.
  9. 80s Maiden rules. I listened to Live After Death twice this week ....on KSC-75s.
  10. Woke up at 8AM, on a Saturday(!) Emptied all the lighting equipment out of my car, loaded the recycling in. Drove to the dump transfer station, was reminded why I avoid dump runs on Saturday. Went to the bank, deposited checks almost totaling the amount I just plunked down on 4N6's balanced 880s. Did a quick grocery run. Came home, ate lunch. Now it's time to go get a scrip filled, then begin packing for a week's trip to the Vineyard.
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