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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. WOWSERS!!! That looks really sweet. I think I will do that with my old Dual CS721. Let's see; Wood? Check. Tools? Check. Skill? I'll get back to you on that one \
  2. Hmmm... been falling behind a little here. First, with wireless mouse and keyboard, and and also the simpletech (except it's blue)
  3. Well I have the iMac up and running. Right now its primary duty will be to run squeezecenter for the abode as well as some web browsing. I have to say I am really impressed by the build quality and the quality of the OS. This is the first Apple computer product I have bought since my first PC in 1981 so I have not really paid a lot of attention to MAC software. It has the standard Mac apps as well as iWork 08. I will probably also put aperture on their to see how I like it for working with images. Other than that I am in the dark so tell me what other killer apps I should get to put my PC's to shame.
  4. Should be any day now, my iMac will be here tomorrow . Thanks for the info guys I'm sure it will work fine and I'm actually looking forward to using it.
  5. Happy birthday you party animal.
  6. I'll put in another vote for the 840c, I'm glad to see that you are going to audition one. Make sure you bring some music with a good bit of bass to make sure it handles it to your liking with the R10's. I personally think it has a great bottom end, but I am certainly not a basshead.
  7. Thanks for the props on the vehicle, I'm just happy I have been able to stave off becoming "Mini-van Man" for another 5 years Vicky: Did you make it into the first build group for the BHSE?
  8. Thanks. Can you elaborate on the initial problem. I have read about a few problems on the slimdevices forums but they all seem fairly unique with no common problem, which is probably good.
  9. Well hell has frozen over, the cubs have won the world series, George Bush has said something clever, I will be buying an iMac. All patently unlikely a few short months ago but I will most likely be buying an iMac to do multipurpose duty in our kitchen dining area. One of its duties will be to act as the server for squeezcenter. I am currently running squeezcenter 7.0 on my laptop but it will need to be out and about most of the summer so I need a more permanent solution. Is anyone running squeezcenter on a MAC? Any glitches or problems? Thanks.
  10. The actual background here is slightly flatter.
  11. I also don't think the prices are out of line at all. You really have to see the headroom amps in person and listen to them to appreciate their quality. I have always considered them underappreciated, especially on HF. I am also very interested in the amp stands, especially now that my new desktop speakers have arrived and are awaiting set-up.
  12. I want to see if they live up to the hype and I need something nearfield for my desk, so we'll see. Were you looking at the ones on HF? If so then I'm sorry ... well actually I'm not since I will get to listen to them
  13. I believe it is saved in Alex's reply to Markl a couple of posts down from his now edited post.
  14. True, but there are many inconsistencies between what Jena said on their website (which is likely to be changed or deleted) and what was said in the email to Morph201. The other statements by Alex and the R10's owner are consistent internally and between the two. Although not irrefutable proof, looking at the balance of evidence I will not be using JL's services. My take on it is they are basically pleading demonic intrusion. Damn Voltron you are a machine .. Err I guess that is stating the obvious
  15. Slim Devices Duet. OK I admit it the Duet remote is much better than the Nokia N800 I was using.
  16. Very nice all around. I am especially interested to hear your impressions on the headphone output of the icon. I have been pondering buying one for my work system.
  17. You and my son, except he doesn't use virtual sticks ouch!! Giving an exam gives you so much free time ....
  18. Or he is being used by them to get their "message" out but if it backfires they can always say that was not their official statement. Plausible deniability. Oh, and by the way, I am the real (non Ass-hat) Morph !!!
  19. That's not quite fair, I for one enjoyed the comic relief.
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