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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. morphsci


    Well small world. I was there from 74 - 81 (Forestry). Was only back about 3 times from 81 - 05. Now I live 45 miles south, go figure.
  2. morphsci


    I did not know you went to UI. When were you there? I also remember the smell and it is still there (at least it was last week).
  3. Thank dog, I was starting to feel old. Welcome and sorry about your thin and wrinkled skin.
  4. morphsci


    And there's also a pair of MS-Pro's about 45 miles south if you want to give them an audition
  5. Do the upper end EAR phono stages have subsonic filters?
  6. Yeah, I was really bummed when Logitech bought Slimdevices. But I have to hand it to them, they actually seem to be leaving the creative side alone and certainly Slimdevices has b rought new products to market much more quickly under the Logitech umbrella. I'm hoping they can do the same for UE, maybe then I can afford a UE custom.
  7. Happy birthday to the man that knew about headphone audiophilia before there were headphones
  8. We took the canoe and our son on their maiden voyage on Lake Charleston today. I almost forgot how great canoeing can be.
  9. I used to work for UGA, so Happy Birthday!
  10. Well if it's weird then it's me who is eird as Mikhail was just doing what I was asking. I actually do not use that function now as my sources connects digitally to my speaker amp and thus bypass the ES-1/preamp entirely. Of course that was not the case when I originally ordered the ES-1. Good call. It could be the v-3310 based upon the remote.
  11. Except he really needs full access if he is to get the full story. Now back to our regularly scheduled lynching discussion.
  12. You are correct sir. No double attenuation here.
  13. I have already agreed to send some HiRez pics to KG when I open up my amp and PS. So I will take one picture of the whole board in each box and then four separate ones of each quadrant with some overlap. It will probably be some time next week at this point but he can probably host them and then we can certainly continue the discussion concerning this particular amp. I look forward to it. P.S. There are actually two seperate volume controls on this amp. The two stepped attenuators and then a digital volume control which is separate from that.
  14. OK, I guess I was being too subtle (Note to self: Don't hang around Ingwe as much at meets). Look at the excerpt below, keeping in mind that English does not appear to be Shinichi's native language: While the last statement is technically true it does not really get at the OP's real question. It obfuscates the issue and makes it seem that there are no electrostatic amplifiers that also have preamplifier CIRCUITRY in the box as well. In fact you can build a box that has both preamp functionality and headphone amp functionality whether the headphone circuitry is meant for dynamic or electrostatic phones. A case in point is my ES-1 which has additional preamp circuitry. There is no such thing as a standard ES-1 so making blanket statements about the ES-1 will result in a probability of 1 that you are incorrect. Also it appears that some people are claiming that a preamp has to be active to be a preamp (but maybe the communication is just unclear). But if that is the case I completely disagree with that statement. That being said I would also add my voice to not buying a new ES-1 at this point because of business issues at Singlepower. Only buy a used one if , again at this point in time, you can fix it yourself or can get it fixed locally. As far as the sound, I like it but you may not so you have to decide that one on your own. I would suggest the same as far as the B52: Decide for yourself if you like the sound, unless you think people posting here know what you like better than you do. As far as customer service RSA has very few complaints so that is unlikely to be an issue.
  15. Umm ... there is no high voltage output on the pre-outs of my ES-1 (measurements not suppositions) :palm: That's probably the reason it took so long for me to receive it
  16. Now you tell me ... There is nothing inherent in the "topology" of an electrostatic amp that prevents its use as a preamp. I can certainly hook the preamp outputs of my ES-1 to the analog inputs of my TACT s2150 to route music sources to and control their volume through my speakers. @shinichi - My suggestion is to first decide what phones you like and then find sources and amps that complement and synergize with those phones. Comparing a dynamic amp to an electrostatic amp is like comparing elephants to gazelles as dynamics will give you a different presentation of the music compared to electrostatics (some will be closer and others farther apart obviously). The only real way to tell is by listening yourself and making that decision. In the end you may want both electrostats and dynamics
  17. Happy Birthday. Your birthday gift should be two tickets to LA next year
  18. Wow a headphone meet and a MacMiniBunny for your birthday, what a lucky guy. Have a great one.
  19. Well if recommending something because it a.) sounds good and b.) is a good deal, then I am an 840c shill. It is what I currently recommend a lot as a digital source. Is it better, or a better DSP/DAC implentation than the AA? I have no idea because I have never heard the AA, why would I recommend the AA? This isn't headfi. As far as Icarium goes; Dude he likes the Qualia That was a low blow with the Jamato and Trose comment, but at least he didn't say you were the HC Icarium
  20. Got up at 6:30 am, checked turtle traps at Lake Charleston with my graduate student and undergraduate intern from 8:30 - 11:30, went back to the lab and stowed away samples. Ate lunch, answered insipid emails for a few hours while listening to Mudcrutch, went home and picked out CD's for the DC meet . Played power rangers, ate dinner, played some more power rangers, did some Super Why computer games, chilled while my son had his bath. Now have to head back upstairs for movietime.
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