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Rank Your Headphones


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Nah. Thats the last couple weeks listening talking. I've only had 2 Camparis which isn't even enough to get me air drumming.

I did change my mind on liking the TakeT more after a time, but I'm less certain this wil go the same way.

Birgir will play the Blue Hawaii card of course ;)

Precide seriously fucking crippled the potential of this driver.

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Marginally less ghetto. I'm still waiting for a quote from a company about doing the housing for me. If it's within reason, I'll trundle on. If its going to be more expensive than I can go for, I'll sell something. Like my speakers.

These are that good, and thats bearing in mind I just strip rebuilt both drivers because the coatings had peeled off 27 of the 28 magnets (and the one remaingin won't even start to peel to match the others.) They lost some efficiency because of that because the magnets are now further from the diaphragm. I may contact a magnet company in due course to replace the current magnets with ones which are the original size. (2x3x40mm).

Edited by Duggeh
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Once I've done all and sorted all, I'll post it up in detail, but it won't be an easy or cheap end process. This is less a mod than building a headphone from parts that need custom fabrication and unlike say, a turned SFI housing, the peculiar shape of the AMT driver makes things tricky.

I very much doubt that Precide will sell the drivers seperately, although I have not enquired of Sugden. If they do they will not be cheap, the magnet coating issue is also something that fundamentally should not be happening and may or may not have been corrected in the time since the headphone was first released (mine were an older example to start with and the problems with the version1 Aulos speaker design were rectified.) Fortuitously, if one is careful, it does not mean the crippling or the death of the drivers. If you did get a set of the drivers you'd also have to build yourself one of the notch filter/impedance matching boxes that Precide supply with the headphone and I seem to have lost the specs for the parts in that. You might be able to read them from the photos I took for the review way back when. Its just a couple of capacitors and coil and a resistor. I'll be building my own one out of better parts once the headphone is finished because I don't want to be lumbered with that damnable Hirschmann connector when we have XLR these days.

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St. Andrews doesn't have an engineering dept would be the biggest hurdle.

Hmmm that could pose a small hurdle......;). Ya never know, maybe the politics department might have an RP machine...they might have used it to create cupholders for their coffee.

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I'm now not sure if you do get the adapter with it. The two are listed seperately on Precides pricelistings, but the box has a cardboard insert for it and it seems to be listed with the headphone.

I think that it's listed seperately for those who first buy the headphone with the Amp1 or Amp2.

But yeah, it seems more logical to buy the headphone and then you'll have spare bits to flog off or use for something else. Theres a pretty small market for Hirschmann connectors though.

Still got to add on the as yet undetermined costs of putting together a total assembly to make the drivers sound as they should. The total costs are certainly going to be K1000 price level.

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Well at these prices buying the whole setup is more economical really, since according to Stoneaudio you get the adapter with it:

- "The Ergo AMT is supplied with its own switching box for direct connection to the LS output of your amplifier."

Alas its a all a bit expensive for me at the moment, but at least its in the radar now thanks to you Doug!

I'll revel in the fun of discovering new orthos in the meanwhile.

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