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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. 2.0 out. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/invisibility-shield/invisibility-shield-2
  2. Looks great. Overlapping… https://www.famsf.org/exhibitions/irving-penn
  3. blessingx


    Anyone get the same message for Ernest Saves Christmas? Free seems correct there.
  4. It was supposed to look like prohibition era booze storage, but it was actually a garlic processing plant so the joke was on our noses.
  5. Speaking of lenses and Leicas, took out the Sigma 105mm f/1.4 on the SL2 Sunday. Helped a friend shoot a band. I was second camera so zero pressure. Most of me loves the lens. My lower back is the contrarian.
  6. Definitely relate. At least the biggie, Sequence, is still close as it moved from Palo Alto (Stanford's Cantor Center) to SFMOMA and then back to Palo Alto. Somewhere I have a photo of young Esmé, with wide eyes, getting lost in the light & shadows.
  7. Cough twice if that's Colin Farrell in there.
  8. RIP Richard Serra https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/26/arts/richard-serra-dead.html?ugrp=u&unlocked_article_code=1.f00.ytPu.VodeBWpoOdyi&smid=url-share
  9. I think Leica sent you back the wrong body.
  10. A few snaps from another PhotoFair. Just like headphone meets, but without the fun, cool people.
  11. Hope it's a wonderful one Al. Natural or bionic.
  12. Probably worth searching over at the Leica Forum. Different times and costs over the years. https://www.l-camera-forum.com/topic/301128-dust-on-sensor-beware-of-the-cost/
  13. If you go back more years there were Cord Cameras all over Ohio and a chance my smiling face was on the other side of the counter.
  14. I don’t have any personal recommendations except places to stay away from, but the word is below is good and decently priced https://thedarkroom.com/
  15. Not to belabor the point, but the dates I used… “Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 – the name refers to the fact many came of age around the year 2000.” https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/which-age-range-who-generation-z-millennial-boomer-zoomer-b1073540.html
  16. You’re approaching three decades late for places like Kansas, no?
  17. Speaking of F-mount, Nikon just bought Red. https://www.nikon.com/company/news/2024/0307_01.html
  18. Apple Unveils New Apple Vision Pro Mini https://www.theonion.com/apple-unveils-new-apple-vision-pro-mini-1851298413 Also Apple has the best death screen. 🫣 So long i9. Hello M3. Let’s see the video editing speed difference.
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