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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Truly an impressive looking amp Nate. Can't wait to hear about it from the CanJammers!
  2. Well I'm heading up to Marc's place tomorrow, so Sunday may very well be a great day for audio for me. Not only will the mods to the ?22 and Opus DAC (apparently modding the Zapfilter power supply paid great dividends) be a lot of fun to audition, but I've also got a pair of balanced 600 grilled HD 580s w/APS mods, gigantic woodied CD3000s and my Omega Grande 6 speakers that I've never heard yet. Well I did hear the modded CD3000 a year or so back, but not with my current system.
  3. So how bad was the next day? And any new revelations with your system Mike?
  4. Nate it must be a great feeling to give birth to a healthy amp with the correct number of tubes and traffos! (Hands Nate cigar) But I bet the trip through the birth canal was a doosy! That's a big boy! Congrats on a job well done and a great amp!
  5. Wow! No kidding, that final pic is something to be proud of after the craptastic job that the first pics show. You guys did a great job repairing it!
  6. No, I was just trying to jack with en480c4. I did know a girl named Kinnisue once though.
  7. Sweet! Congrats Nate!
  8. Cool little desktop system hungrych!
  9. Are those the little Blue thingies that go on the Green thingy? Nope I don't think I have any, sorry.
  11. Guys this whole debacle has intrigued me so much that I have taken it upon myself to get personally involved. That's something I usually never do, but I just had to learn more. I put in a call to JenaLabs and had to leave a message with what I assume was a secretary. She assured me that someone would return my call. About 20 minutes later I received a call back from two JenaLabs technicians. After inquiring about the R-10 case in question I was hit by a barrage of unintelligible mumbo jumbo from one of them. The other was strangely silent. So the truth is I'm no closer to knowing what has transpired than you are. However even though the silent technician had nothing to say , he gave me an odd feeling that there was more to the situation than I was hearing from the other tech. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I did discover that video conferencing is pretty cool.
  12. Nate that wiring looks beautiful! If you'd like to see a badly wired amp as comparison look inside a McAlister.
  13. But does he put them through a series of double blind testing?
  14. He's very important you know! Just ask him, he'll tell you so.
  15. Slightly understated. I had to adjust my pants after looking at it!
  16. If your little Sister is anything like my little Sister it wouldn't exactly be free considering all the money I've funneled her way. Still it's nice to have some payback, and that was very cool of her. I got a drink cozie with some Random bar name from my Sister once.
  17. Wow! Just wow! It seems their customer service is right in line with there modifications. I'll be waiting for the story to be posted as well. That was my ALO dock that warrior posted about. Man that was a 13 rounder!
  18. She's fully reinforced with dowels and biscuits. I could probably stand on the thing, but I won't attempt that.
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