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Everything posted by recstar24

  1. Will be at a wedding - at the union league club, fancy. Sorry to miss ya!
  2. The dsha1 is pretty killer with the hp2s. However I also really liked it with tyll's hd800 and johns lcd2.
  3. Yup. Thanks eric - I appreciate your taking the time. I would rather read it here than somewhere else.
  4. Same here. Once they started talking how power cords affected their black levels... Eric - again great to hear and i might as well start saving.
  5. Thats awesome eric. Thanks for actually reading avsforum
  6. Question - since it would have hdmi input, you could hook up say your cable feed to it and benefit from it's awesome up scaling capabilities, correct? My current cable box is setup to output native which means the tv (panny g25) is doing the up scaling, but the oppo is I'm sure way better. Edit: apologize for the avsforum tone in this post. Those videophiles are nuts.
  7. Cool. Never used mine for music listening, and don't have enough sacd to play on big rig, usually just play it through the crappy home theater. Will check it out.
  8. Yah. Though I will add my Internet time reduced dramatically during the outage, forcing me to actually spend time with my family. Ah well
  9. Finally got my hp1000 back from its long journey from joe Grado. Time to make up for long lost listening in these next two weeks before school starts. Since its been awhile I haven't quite pinned down how significant the upgrade has been, and honestly, it sounds as good as I remember them sounding. I did have a chance to play some of my newly mastered choral performances of my choirs from this past school year, and would say the level of detail and resolution seems to have increased. Changes and contrast in dynamics seem a bit more dramatic. Tonal balance appears to be the same, maybe just a bit more open on top. I have been listening to the rs1 for awhile so I am sure those are coloring my impressions, will need to compare with a stock HP to be sure. Will spend more time. I did get the new super pads - they Have a little more depth and feel more firm but otherwise Look exactly the same. The new cable appears to be simply the ultra wide but doubled up, each side has its own ultra wide with 4 conductors on each side, and a new plug which I have seen before but can't recall who the manufacturer is.
  10. Ok. That example it isn't particular listed However, you can tell it is very low and probably near zero based on a few things. One, it's solid state. Two, look at the output numbers, notice how they decrease as the load impedance increases. That means there is maximum power transfer efficiency when driving lower impedances, which we can conclude the amp at maximum has an 8 ohm output impedance but in reality is probably close to zero.
  11. Yeah man it's a pretty standard and normal thing that is clearly advertised. It's one of the easier and more objective things to measure hence why it's almost always included, as well as having a pretty direct influence on sound for many cans.
  12. Reduces the damping factor. What is being argued is that it may be possible something like the hd800 is meant to be driven by a higher output than your typical close to zero. The German standard is 120 ohms output, and in my experience makes a lot of the beyers like the 600 ohm dt880 a different beast. I never experienced that with the senn hd600 or 650 and my ears always preferred a lower output impedance.
  13. Sounds like something from stargate
  14. We could have bought digg, and spammed the hell out of users to join head case.
  15. Told you Justin. Oooh in addition to DIY kits, you should also offer fully assembled versions as well...oh wait...
  16. Oooh you should offer DIY kits for all your amps - that would make the HF happy.
  17. Craig typically uses high quality parts where it actually counts. Active stage resistors, coupling caps, output transformers, anything within the signal path, etc in my experience Craig uses good stuff. The tube sockets, which are his own design, are the last thing you should question. However, it does appear you are just piggybacking off of random HF comments and PMs do whatever.
  18. You rock! I am sure you will have a fine cake to celebrate.
  19. Billy is that you? He was another loller
  20. The k1000 and hp1000 are as different and polar opposite on the tonal balance scale IMO. Using a cooler version of the DSHA1 myself.
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