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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Looked at my first and second edition copies of K&R on the bookshelf, considered where those sub 300 pages have led the world and myself, and mourned the passing of Dennis Ritchie. main( ) { printf("goodbye, world\n"); }
  2. Find another porn site, CJ or try some apps, like these
  3. So when are you hosting the next chocolate covered bacon meet?
  4. All Alden needs now s a cool handle for steam, say SoDoTU ( Son of DoTU ) , a Cool Spray Logo and the appropriate T-Shirt
  5. "To anyone getting 'An internal error occurred.' (3200) while installing iOS 5.0, Apple's servers are swamped, and failing half the requests," iOS developer and jailbreaker Jay Freeman, aka Saurik, said in a Tweet. Other users reported receiving errors codes of 5000. Many users reported their updates eventually succeeded, sometimes after as many as 10 failed attempts. The Register: iOS update woes prompt gnashing of teeth for Apple fans
  6. Grahame

    Battlefield 3

    ^ Indeed. Possibly.
  7. Very nice Peter. Stunning subject material always helps. You'll just have to do your best with the HC crowd at RMAF
  8. Well, at least once you've read one, you needn't bother with the rest Cosmo Has Run Same Article Every Month For 27 Years
  9. Also interesting is the Xonar Essence One With MOAR POWER Review in Romanian That Google Translate handles well.
  10. Teaser for the Walkürenritt NSFW commercial http://www.metacafe...._controversial/ or the follow on ad (available in fabulous HD) , for those whose "proclivities" weren't catered for by the previous ad
  11. Because they want to be Quad? http://futuremark.yo...read.php?t=7500 EDIT: Tempted to fondle? from http://www.psaudio.c...ctwave-dac?cat= Outside the PWD The chassis of the PWD is a metal sculpture that rivals the best ever built. A combination of aluminum and steel, the PWD weighs in at 20 pounds of elegance and beauty. The top cover is a hand painted, hand polished piano black cover that has been lavished over for hours. When you receive your PWD, you’ll find a pair of soft white gloves to pull the unit out of its protective cotton sleeve and unveil its beauty. Every person who has had the opportunity to see a PerfectWave in person has the same initial reaction: they reach out and softly caress it’s finish and admire its beautiful lines.
  12. Have you ever been to where they filmed Hot Fuzz, on Market Day, and admired the Cornish Pasties, Sausage rolls, and Bacon? Yes.
  13. Via Various leaks on the web. http://www.wickeddigital.com.au/index.php/2011-09-04-22-32-08/news/87-new-cambridge-audio-dacmagic-plus http://mundoaudiofilo.forumotion.net/t2096-cambridge-audio-dac-magic-plus Or use google translate on http://www.sempre-audio.at/Cambridge_Audio_praesentiert_DACMagic.id.1869.htm Pricing TBD ... But "Plus" built in Headphone / pre amp for active speakers might make this interesting for the desktop.
  14. ^ Ric, Did you see your own shadow?
  15. Grahame

    Top Gear

  16. Any death is a tragedy, especially for the bereaved. Some counterpoint to put things into perspective from The Register, and The Onion. The Economist agrees?
  17. You could always use Google Voice and send your texts for free ( and forward them to email, or originate them from you google voice number : )
  18. Don't know if this refers to Richard of the Riverbanks, or those involved in the recent financial crisis. I Was suprised when the sat nav said "Turn Left into ..." Reminds me of
  19. The assumption on your cost model is that you have 100% continuous usage - i.e. you need it every month. This may not be the case. e.g. if you have wifi @ home and @ work and a limited commute the only real need might be vacations, say. I tend to prefer to concentrate on the activities and people at hand, rather than being on an electronic leash. There tend to be more capable devices for given tasks that being limited the to form factor of a smart phone. There are other reasons not to get an iPhone. But to each their own. Different people have different use cases and requirements. Choice is good.
  20. A MiFi solves the lack of Wifi (and you can tether up to 5 devices e.g. ) As to the faster processor, what activities on your smart phone are processor rate limited? The latency in human interaction dominates most tasks. Justin already has a phone, and he seems to survive
  21. Justin, given you understand TCO and your use cases have you considered http://lifehacker.co...-is-good-enough http://blog.perkstre...into-an-iphone/ http://jdgodchaux.co...and-save-money/ http://www.infobarre...e#axzz1a6s482D7 It even comes in white now. EDIT: Of course you have the advantage of writing this off as a legitimate business expense, right?
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