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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/cia-left-explosive-material-on-loudoun-school-bus-after-training-exercise/2016/03/31/428f9824-f78d-11e5-a3ce-f06b5ba21f33_story.html CIA left explosive material on Loudoun school bus after training exercise
  2. Apparently I've stumbled into a heavy Tom Petty binge. Hard.
  3. https://reverb.com/item/1195433-santa-cruz-1934-om aww, shit.
  4. Dear apple: ipad 1 ipad 1.1 ipad 1.2 ipad 1.3 ipad 2 etc. please and thank you.
  5. How many guitars are you up to now?
  6. It just means I'll actually still have some bitcoins when it goes over $10,000 soon. aka when I buy lots of guitars
  7. Started watching Blacklist. This is great.
  8. Looks like someone beat me to it. Seems to be removed from the website now. dodged a bullet I guess.
  9. I will not sell bitcoins and buy this... I will not sell bitcoins and buy this... I will not sell bitcoins and buy this... I'm teetering here.
  10. https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Melody-Maker https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Rhythm
  11. Third eye blind. I love this more now than I did in high school. Probably my favorite 90s album, currently. Every single song is good.
  12. 2 hour talk after work today. Not a completely linear discussion, but it went very, very well. I think he had actually been waiting for me to announce my intentions for more work. Nothing official yet but I don't see any other outcome other than this. With my degree being in graphic design, it makes sense for me to absorb all ads and design work. I already do our publishing, so having 1 person do the ads, the publishing and web makes a lot of sense. Less cooks in the kitchen and no one to slow me down. My obsessive traits pay off here. And nobody knows what I do for the web so I'm pretty much positive I've locked that down and will be making it a stand-alone department, previously being under marketing. (Marketing person is leaving) this will be way more efficient if I call the shots for everything digital. didnt talk titles or pay; I've never done that. Work ethic always takes care of that, but I'd be amazed if base pay doesn't go up substantially. He's not an idiot. tl;dr more bitcoins.
  13. lots of changes at work. people leaving soon. getting ready to make a power play later this week. essentially the argument is that i dont need a boss and my work is superior to everyone else's. I've been waiting about 9 years for this opportunity.
  14. I did my first ever wire transfer today at the bank. that process has me believing in Bitcoin again.
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