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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. But then he should have said, "...you never go bck..." You know, so that it would rhyme.
  2. I was waiting for someone to say that. Except I was hoping they'd spell 'black' correctly.
  3. Well, I already have a perfectly nice watch, so there's no point in getting another one unless it's exactly what I want, right?
  4. I think I may have found my watch, this one is mostly black: They have an "all black" collection -- and believe it or not, most of them are not black enough for me.
  5. It stops becoming an impulse purchase the way you're doing it. And: I have no idea.
  6. You're not supposed to buy one of those -- you're supposed to take it to the mechanic and let him use his on hers. Okay, that sounded bad...
  7. I've heard several of Hirsch's pairs on several occasions. Multiple serial numbers. I pretty much could not get them off my head fast enough. I really dislike them. They may be fine for detail freaks, but for a rocker like me, they suck. Pretty much. Out and out suck. I like my HP-2's for that better. EDIT: okay, that's not true, I do remember once or twice liking them long enough to listen to them for a whole song or more -- 5 minutes or so. And the bass isn't gone, it's just...well, I would compare them to my Spendor S3/5's -- the bass extends, there's just a gradual roll-off. Which, now that I think about it, I loved those speakers. I don't know, maybe I ought to give them another chance...
  8. [me=Dusty Chalk]makes joke about polishing one's knob[/me]
  9. Actually, the Creek OBH-11SE is pretty high-end, as it surpasses that threshold for me. But that threshold is extremely subjective -- I will admit that most of you would not consider the Creek OBH11SE to be high end, and I wouldn't argue with you. Which brings me to my point -- it's not really high-end vs. not high-end, it's more like myriad shades of grey, and how amps are more or less high-end. Where, along that scale, you put your threshold, is up to you.
  10. I already picked up the Rubinstein. It's not my favourite performance, but ... it's SACD!
  11. Actually, it's not just a player, but it has a speaker amp built into it. Can you say K1000 system?
  12. I think I was the only one doing a comparison -- most people were pretty much spent by the time I got there, and were just gabbing. Todd's modded L3000 with his custom Singlepower -- perfection. My unmodded L3000 with his custom Singlepower -- still not quite perfect, it still had that little midrange swale, but it was more gone on that amp than on any other amp I've heard save the EarMax Pro, bizarrely enough. I didn't think to check the room to see if anyone had brought an EarMax Pro, so that's a comparison by memory, rather than a rapid-switching comparison. So yeah, I'm keeping my L3000's -- knowing what a difference a recabling makes -- and recabling them.
  13. I also learned that I need to recable my L3000, as his sounded pretty good out of Todd's custom Singlepower amp -- better than mine, although mine sounded quite possibly the best it's ever sounded out of the same amp. What did you say it was wired with? I know you said silver, but you said something else that I don't remember. High gauge, low gauge? And I also want to echo everyone else's comments: thanks, Stephen! For organizing, etc. in what must be a very busy time for you. Oh, and I think I ended up in someone's wedding video. OMG, that is worse.
  14. Highlight of the meet: Justin's tiny little thingy. That's USB thingy, you perverts. I don't think it sounded as good at Dave levels as it did at Dusty levels, but it sounded surprisingly good at Dusty levels. And it even drove K1000's pretty nice. I'll definitely be getting myself one of these. Justin, did you really populate that board yourself? That's inconceivable. Do you work under a magnifying glass? I totally forgot to listen to the EMM Labs player -- did anyone else? How was it? I got to meet Todd and Alex. I got to hang out with Dan and Brian (canman), as well as the usual DC crew. I don't hardly know anyone from head-fi any more. The few people that I actually did meet were pretty nice. That Consonance player is pretty much the ugliest player in all of audiophile-dom. I had to keep looking carefully to make sure I was pressing buttons, and the right ones, rather than just pushing my finger over one of the decorative squares. Alex will be posting pics later, I'm sure. I will be inviting myself over Juan's to hear his Qualia player, I forgot to listen to that, too. He's been on a small buying rampage, I didn't hardly recognize half his gear.
  15. Dusty Chalk


    That's why you do it at her place, and leave before morning.
  16. Dusty Chalk


    The point is not to lower the level of crazy, the point is to get laid. See? Brownian motion; vector. Entropy == crazy antics (that parts going to happen anyway); vector == get laid.
  17. Dusty Chalk


    Hit it, then quit it.
  18. They're called Granite Audio for a reason. Even their speakers are made out of granite. Alas, no, their interconnects are not made out of granite. They don't make everything of granite.
  19. I have no idea, but at that price, it would probably have been worth it to find out.
  20. Is the chick from the Otakon Or Bust banner from the Otakon website. It'll probably only last a day or two, as I'm not entirely happy with it, but I liked her expression: o^_^o I need to find one that looks more like O-o
  21. this? How quiet is quiet -- how big is the fan?
  22. Yeah, I realized I haven't said it yet -- really nice write-up! You reminded me of a couple I forgot, and added even more to my wish list. Even with all the gushing, you still managed to provide enough information to let me know which ones I would be interested in, even if they were outside my usual purview.
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