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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Happy Birthday, Peter! If we lived closer I would give you a bottle of my favorite Mezcal, for now this will have to do
  2. Went for a nice hike today. But the best part was when it was over. Karen informed me that she wanted to drive home. Not unusual, so I thought nothing more about it. As I was sitting in the passengers seat she asked me if I had any coffee left from this morning. That was a little weird as I rarely finish my coffee before our hike and she never asks me. I say yes and she hands me a bottle of her turmeric/ginger Kombucha. I looked at her quizzically and she just said, “open it up and smell it”. So I did, and it was definitely not Kombucha, in fact my nose immediately informed my brain that it was bourbon. So I poured it into my coffee and had a very nice ride home. Did I say that I love my wife?
  3. Pretty nice birthday weekend. Started out Friday giving my “famous” dinosaur lecture for Norwich’s Dino Day, then Saturday we went for a late lunch at J. Morgans Steakhouse. Sunday we went for a four hour hike that ended up taking 6 hours because we went the wrong way to the trailhead and ended up having to park the car 1+ miles from the trailhead 🤦‍♂️. Anyway, a very enjoyable birthday in Vermont.
  4. Last night baching it for dinner: A nice salad with great Bleu Cheese dressing Bruschetta Polenta Veal Marsala with Risotto Tiramisu
  5. All Administration and tenured or tenure track faculty have to wear a uniform during the school year. That includes the Provost but not non-tenured associate professors, i.e. me. Karen during the Dog River Run a couple of weeks ago.
  6. Going to be hanging in the president’s box at our football home opener.
  7. Good Luck Nate. Sorry I couldn’t be there to help cheer you and your team on.
  8. Karen dragged my ass (part way) up and down a local mountain
  9. That’s one of the things my pocket knife is used for.
  10. Got a picture of Peter with a few of his Class of 2026 friends. He’s in the middle bottom of the C.
  11. It is a bit big to lug around but the screen is definitely fine to work on without an external monitor, unlike my 13” M1. I think this is the best MacBook I have ever used.
  12. Dropped Peter off at CSU on Monday.
  13. I will not be fully retired for about four years. The math is pretty transparent.
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